Is it normal that i have no moral standards?

I am agnostic. Not an atheist, agnostic. To firmly believe that God absolutely does not exist is childish foolishness. I simply believe that if he does exists, he seems to have no interest in mankind or myself. If he has any expectations for us, I don't know what they are. There are so many religions in the world that it is too difficult, from my point of view, to adhere to one as the "true" religion, and it seems strange to me that God would work through seemingly man-made organizations in the first place.


With a supreme creator and statute-maker effectively absent, I don't adhere to any moral standards. If I want something, I will take it. Lying, cheating, infidelity, rudeness, greed, stealing, rape, murder...all good in my book. I don't care about other people's "rights". God never told me that other people had rights. Furthermore, I am the only real person in the world, everyone else is just my delusion.

Whenever an atheist tries to explain to me why one should adhere to some set of moral values in the absence of God, I just laugh. There is no reason, save blind emotionalism. The only emotions I feel are anger, fear, confusion, and lust. I feed them whenever they are hungry. You, the reader, would shudder with disgust if you knew of the terrible things I've done. I will not mention them, or this story will be rejected by the moderators. If I've ever felt "love", I don't know it. I could not identify the feeling. I am apparently incapable of feeling guilt or regret. I also cannot feel hatred. People who do things I hate are merely acting in accords with their nature, like animals, and like me. I do not hate people, I just deal with them.

I am a monster, and I don't care. We will all just die someday anyway. If God told me that I could live forever by adhering to some moral code, I would obey. I need an incentive for moral behavior. If I am just going to die someday, then nothing matters. Nothing.

Voting Results
21% Normal
Based on 68 votes (14 yes)
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Comments ( 44 )
  • Shrunk

    actually when I really think of things like this I agree with you in some ways BUT, there is one last hope: can't you think of how you would feel if someone did the same to you? I mean, you honestly wouldnt care if you were raped, stolen from, beaten etc? if no, you have to value your own life before you can feel sympathy, and if you dont value your self you might as well be dead I think... I know you say you believe everyone is just an illusion for you... but how would you know? you just made that up as justification... what if it's not true? I can understand what youre saying so i admit its actually kindof hard for me to oppose since it somewhat makes sense...

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  • Normal for a lying/cheating/rude/greedy/thieving raping murderer :)

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  • FocoUS

    To believe in god is stupid and primitive. An atheist tells you to adhere to morals because it keeps you above the animals. But judging by your vague descriptions of past crimes I can assume you're already less than human.

    Of course you're a monster. You are a man that believes in a religion you yourself created to suit your needs. In short, you think God is on your side. It's kinda sad because I think deep down you know you're designing your own delusion. Yeah you are going to die some day, quit crying princess because you may have not noticed that EVERYBODY dies and everybody knows it. But life isn't about death it's about life.

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      • FocoUS



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        • flutterhigh

          Eat ALL the junkfood?

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        • I respect you.

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    • If death exists, then life is meaningless.

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  • sakura15738

    If you are as much of closed minded "monster" as you are then it seems odd to be posting this in the first place. I am an atheist and franknly your opinion disgusts me, but as it's an opinion I still have to respect it as that is what I stand for unlike the pathetic scribblings of a psycotic madman above me. And just for your deeply disturbing and misguided thoughts God in whatever Religion, Hindu, Shinto, Christianity, etc It says that you will only go to Heaven, (by whatever name it is called by) If you are kind and apreciate every living thing, then and only then will you go to heaven. NOT by killing and raping People. So laugh, but you will still die, read this or not you will die, if you are a decent person or go-on in you less than anamilistic way, you will die. But at least you will not be hated along the way.

    PS. Do not stereotype any religion or indeed Athiests.

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  • darkprince


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  • spongerobert

    It gets on my nerves when people assume morals must come from religion. Has anyone noticed that most morals and ethics have been basically the same across all societies for all time? Don't steal, don't be nasty, don't shag people that you shouldn't, don't murder people (unless they are from one of the false religions) etc etc etc

    Maybe morals are something inherent in groups of humans? Jesus you're welcome to challenge this if you can get to a PC.

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    • Crudhouse

      Very true. Interesting when you stuy the development of religion and philosophy too. Interesting when you think about different possible moral problems. Most people reach the same conclusions. Anomalies are interesting too (though this guy who's apparently committed all these disgusting things lol is probably just some kid trying out a new idea)

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  • Ono

    The meaning if life is the meaning you give to it. You sound like a sociopath.

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  • shade_ilmaendu

    I wonder mostly what led you to choose such a path. Ones dark passenger usually doesn't hold so much sway without a dark history...

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    • My mind is broken. You people insult me for my beliefs and my actions. I wonder, would you insult a bear for raiding your birdfeeder? You and the bear do not comprehend each other. I do not comprehend God, nor myself. I act in accords with my nature because it is all I know.

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      • shade_ilmaendu

        What about my post was insulting, exactly? I'm merely curious as to how you came about this way of thinking, I said nothing to condemn you.

        But in nature animals do what needs to be done and nothing more, which seems a little different than what you're describing, unless you kill people to eat them. :p I'm sorry if what I said came across wrong, I meant no insult.

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        • Not you, everyone.

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          • Crudhouse

            You don't seem to feel empathy and sympathy. You're probably some kid trying out a new idea, but the reason people aren't receptive is because of the apparent lack of those two emotions and and love.

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  • dom180

    You give non-religious people a bad name. People see this and think that we are all amoral rapists and murders.

    Just because there is no God (or at least you believe that there isn't), does not mean that other people's lives are worthless. Even from looking at it from an entirely selfish view, people can still be used to make money from whilst both of you are happy, and helping other people is a good way of feeling good about yourself.

    Seriously though, you clearly have underlying issues that don't relate to your religious views, that is just the way that they manifest themselves. I deduce that you must have some sort of problem, because you believe that murder is okay. Just because you don't believe that there will be any retribution, does not imply that murder is an enjoyable thing. If you find it enjoyable, then there must be other things happening to you.

    Because you have no problem with what you are doing I highly doubt that you will seek help, but I will still urge you to get in contact with somebody who can help you.

    To everybody else, this person only speaks for a tiny minority of non-religious people, please don't let this person's warped views change your perception of agnostics and atheists.

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    • The god of the atheist is his own stomach. If he thinks otherwise, he is fooling himself.

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  • Oli

    It's childish to bash another person's beliefs just because you "have no morals".

    And it's not just Athiests who have their own morals, it's all other people who have their owm beliefs. To classify only one belief and say it is absurb is ignorant.

    Of course you are because I bet your parents didn't treat you right or dicipline you at all, so you grew up living in an ignorant bliss doing whatever you want.

    Oh and nice touch of trying to sound smart, but it's not working.

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    • I'm not smart. I'm a dumb beast.

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  • KatieLiz

    I really hope you work in an office. Now or some day. That would be absolutely hilarious.

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    • I do. I'm a good actor. I guess I'm like that spider that disguises itself as an ant, sneaks into ant holes, and eats everyone.

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  • BLAh81

    You don't have to believe in a God to still have morals. Religion and morality are two completely different things.

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  • awuhyeah

    Ummmm How high are you? This sounds like such a high person thought.

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  • under1

    Tbh, you sound like a complete sociopath so Ill give some hints.
    1. You OBVIOUSLY know that this is not normal, so either you are an attention seeker, or troll. Thus you are as bad as everyone else.
    2. This isnt your delusion/world. If anything its mine so p*ss off.
    3. If you are so intouch with death, maybe you should pay it a visit by jumping off a cliff. Maybe you will be reborn as someone with a bigger brain with more balls.
    4. Call the police. If not p*ss off. You are not deep. You are not cool. You will never get laid willingly. You do not sound smart, or clever or superior. Amongst humans you are just another piece of crap waiting to perish, so instead of wasting you energy being a d*ck, go and crawl up in a dark hole and wait for death to greet you! :)

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  • sexiichick89


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  • l3re

    I kind of fell bad for you. That you don't have anything for you to believe in. I'm sorry, that sounds sad to me.

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  • KatieLiz

    Oh lord you don't even know what atheism means do you?
    What you've invented for yourself is not atheism.

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  • How come when I'm on my iPhone, it looks as though maskedgunman is both for and against this?

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    • Because I say contradictory things.

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  • KatieLiz

    And I disagree with dom18o completely, he does not represent a minority of 'non religious people', he represented the extreme fundamentalist minority of (questionable) humanity. Religious or not. I used to have a friend who's mind worked along the same kind of lines, and she was a practicing christian.

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  • kyanviado

    Everyone has a right to believe what they want to, but you are worst. If hell exists, it is kind generous of your god to put you there. So as punishment go into the kitchen and make me a sandwich

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  • Gena45

    In today's messed up world, yes, it is.

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  • joybird

    I knew I was right to avoid people who don't believe in God!

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    • Crudhouse

      I don't believe in God and I'm a vegetarian (though I love meat) because I don't want animals ot suffer because of me.

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  • I guess this is what happens when atheists/agnostics actually sit down and consider their own motivations. Jolly good show, you monster.

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  • out-kast

    ok now that your story is accepted tel us some of these things youve done that would 'make us studder', we need a clearer picture

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  • deadloli


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  • hannahj03

    As an atheist myself I still believe that I can treat others well if for nothing else other than for them to give me the same respect back. I don't believe that people need a "god" to tell them what's right and wrong. That's called secular humanism. You're just doing whatever you want to and justifying it to yourself by pawning it off on religion. You're what psychiatrists would call a sociopath. Somebody that does whatever they please and has no remorse. I don't believe that has anything to do with your religion and/or lack thereof.

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    • Why do you care about "respect"? Steel exists, oxygen exists, but "respect" is an illusion.

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      • Crudhouse

        My brother is a schizophrenic and he thought that everyone else was an illusion as well. He didn't hurt people because he's generally a gentle soul though. Maybe you should check yourself out with a psychologist. These thoughts can sometimes be cause by a chemical imbalance in the brain.

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      • Crudhouse

        You are one funny bunny.

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