Is it normal that i have panic attacks at amusement parks?

I have a panic attack every time I go to one. I LOVE roller coasters, so it's not that. It's the crowds, and all the people bumping into you, and cutting in front of you, and that it seems to get so damn HOT outside every time my family takes me to one.

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65% Normal
Based on 46 votes (30 yes)
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Comments ( 5 )
  • mariacachucha

    its pretty normal, those things are freaky

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  • your lucky to go with family to amusment parks....interesting story about the jostling crowds and the heat, i have a fear of rollercoasters so nearly the same, its the first hill :0 id like to get over that one

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  • nightress777

    It is normal in that it does happen to people. But it is not normal in that it's considered an unhealthy and debilitating fear created by the psyche. It's really no way to live life, ya know? Fears are normal but when it's getting in the way of you enjoying something you would otherwise love, it can really suck. I would really suggest counseling. You could find someone who specializes in this or just a general counselor/therapist/psychiatrist. You should have to live that way, ever. There are people who are trained to help you get through those types of fears. That type of fear is actually considered a phobia. I believe it's called agoraphobia. I would suggest you look it up, look at what it means for you and your life, try to find help or at least ways to help yourself. But don't let that term or that fear define you because it's not you, it's just a part of what your mind has created for you. But don't feel like you're crazy, because that's the last thing I want you to think about yourself or want you to think I am calling you. And don't just let some Dr shove anxiety medicines down your throat. There are better, more constructive ways to work through it when it's not a severe case. Good luck :)

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    • NocturnePonyFan

      Don't fucking knock medications you idiot.

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      • nightress777

        I wasn't. Clearly there are many people who need them. Just sometimes it's not needed, only sometimes. There are other ways to take care of certain problems. That's why I said to not stop taking the medications without further input from another doctor if they even have a second opinion about it. But it is a fact that in America, psych meds of all forms are over-used. That doesn't make you bad for taking them, I was never saying that. Nor was I saying they are bad. Just that they aren't always necessary. At least the medications have gotten better with time and hopefully they will continue to.

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