Is it normal that i have read both the catholic and satanic bible?

I wasn't brought up religiously, yet my parents sent me to a conservative Catholic high school. I felt they were trying to brainwash me and in an attempt to form my own views on spirituality I decided to read both the Catholic bible and Satanic bible in their entirety. (the main differences I could pick between the two was the catholic bible was about doing things for others and satanic was about doing things for yourself.) I would like to state that many years have passed since and I am now an atheist.

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Comments ( 6 )
  • TheWordWizard

    The devil is greed and selfishness and the bible of God is love and giving to others. The Devil also stands for knowledge and god stands for ignorance. God is the one who wants to protect you from the evils of the world and the devil wants to trap you in them. God protects his children while the devil will temp them. God does not want his pure of heart to be tossed into the sex crazed universe with violence and rape and pedophilia however the devil wants to show it to you. It is kind of like the matrix concept. Will you live happy and go to heaven or rot in the world we now call hell?

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  • anonymony

    There is nothing abnormal about reading anything. Knowledge is power. This is especially true for things to which you don't personally subscribe.

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  • disthing

    I think most people, even many Christians, have never read the entire Bible. So it probably isn't normal that you've read it as well as the Satanic Bible. But knowledge of religious scripture can come in handy, especially when discussing/debating religion. So well done!

    Why not try the Qur'an, Torah, The Vedas, Buddhist scriptures etc.? :)

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    • Yeah I'm reading some Buddhist scriptures at the moment its enlightening stuff.

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  • It's nice too get both sides of a story (: means that yoo can understand different people better so I'd say that it's pretty normal (: x

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  • tbiM20

    I have an NIV bible, an ESV bible, and a Koran. They are texts... its not going to make you a bad person to read them. In fact I find it enlightening to read them and try to understand the differences, and the similarities. The Satanic bible is just another book.

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