Is it normal that i have ringing in my ears

I was listening to something and then i decided to put on ear buds to listen and then i forgot that the volume was going to be really loud so i played it then i freaked out because it was so loud but now i have ringing in my ears. is it normal?

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51% Normal
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Comments ( 4 )
  • DublinGirl

    This is a condition called tinnitus. If you're relatively young and this is your first experience of it, then chances are it'll be just a temporary reaction to the overload your ears have been subjected to - in fact, I wouldn't be surprised if your hearing has returned to normal by the time you read this.

    I'm sure many of us have attended concerts where the music is so loud our ears feel as though their full of cotton wool as we head home but clears after a few hours.

    It would be a big mistake to assume this will always happen. Because the day will come when, not only will that cotton wool sensation not quite disappear but you'll find that it's accompanied by any number of noises described variously as ringing, buzzing, humming - the most common one being likened to the whistling of a kettle gently boiling on a stove.

    The bad news about getting to this stage is that there's no going back - your days of experiencing blissful silence will be over forever as you realise that you have no option but to learn to live with the incessant noises going on in your head.

    I was reading only recently about AC/DC singer, Brian Johnson being warned either to quit performing live or face total hearing loss. The Who's Pete Townsend is another tinnitus sufferer risking the same fate.

    Far too many young people ignore the dangers of listening to music too loudly through their headsets. Keep the noise to a comfortable level. You only get the one pair of ears, they have to last the whole of your life and any loss you do have is permanent.

    Heed the warnings and learn from those for whom it's too late.

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  • mysistersshadow

    Yea loud noise can damage your hearing. Probly go away in a day or 2 if not go to doctor.

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  • jethro


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  • RoseIsabella

    Whelp, that's what cha get!

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