Is it normal that i have severe dsps?

I am a slightly out of shape 18 year old male and I have a really bad case of delayed sleep phase syndrome. I typically don't feel tired until 4:00 or 5:00 AM and I sleep in until 3:00 PM. Sometimes I decide to simply pull an all nighter but the rest of the day is an absolute nightmare. I am currently typing this at 5:30 in the morning. Help!

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39% Normal
Based on 36 votes (14 yes)
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Comments ( 13 )
  • Shackleford96

    I wonder if you would still be that way if you lived without electricity?

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  • Tempest-au

    Welcome to my nightmare.

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    • RoseIsabella

      Me too.

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  • mrbrownfinger

    why not become a drug dealer, it should fit in well with your sleep pattern and the money is dope yo!

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  • LittleMissMuffet4

    I also have this issue, and find it funny when people want to give you a "bed time" and a prescription for melatonin- cause, y'know, we would have NEEEEEEVER thought of that, or tried it, on our own. -_-

    Now, about the DSPS- is this normal? No, it's not. Most people do not suffer with delayed sleep phase syndrome, or with insomnia. Even fewer suffer with it to the degree in which you described (although I, myself, do).
    While the typical advice of getting plenty of exercise, taking melatonin, blah blah blah is all great and well (and you really should heed that advice), it isn't going to make it so you start sleeping at night. Your circadian rhythm is off, and you need to "re-set" it. How do you do this? With light, more specifically something called "light therapy" (google it).
    I own something called a "light box" and it has helped TONS (I am still in the process of using it). You can find them on Amazon for around $50. A little pricey, but hey- what's a little money when your health is involved?

    Also, since you have DSPS, you should get your vitamin D levels tested. I bet they're low. If so, that can also contribute to not being able to sleep, so you will need to begin taking a Vitamin d3 supplement.

    Hope this helps if you ever even see it! lol :-)

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  • icant_

    I get that every school holiday. Its about 3:00 AM over here. I usually wake up 1:00 PM. Its different when I get back to school though.

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  • LittleGirlRapedAndSodomised#Z6

    Your a lazy fuck that needs to become more active and workout.

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    • You're right that I need to work out more. Not sure if that will help with sleep, but I'll try it out.

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      • LittleGirlRapedAndSodomised#Z6

        I know from experience. I was a worthless slob just like you.

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  • riffraffy

    First, wake up at a decent hour, say 7:00 AM. Then take 2mg of melatonin around 9:00 PM. Then stop jerking around on your phone and try to sleep.

    If you have a habit of eating late night snacks, get out of it.

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    • Thanks for the advice. I'll try it out.

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  • FORUMidableFucker

    Man get your shit together.

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    • LittleMissMuffet4


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