Is it normal that i have such nasty habits?

I have horrible habits, I'm a girl & I bite my nails and peel of the skin on my fingers since im a toddler.I even chew the skin. I love the texture idk.
At 10 I started peeling off the skin of my right foot (only my right foot for reasons.) to chew the skin...
I have dermatillomania (extreme desire to peel of my own skin) I cant stop picking my bottom lip until it starts to bleed !
Its painful but satisfying...
At 15 I started to be Trichotillomaniac (compulsive urge to pull out my own hair, but just my pubic hair ) i dont know why but I always pull out my pubic hair when Im in bed & i like the pain
Today I still do all of these nasty habits, I dont know why i do this. You cant understand it unless it happens to you..
I CANT just ''stop doing it''. Thats easier said then done.I do this in any situation (Bored or not, sad or angry...) but never in public though
Everytime I try to not do it my heart beats fast and I feel unsatisfied and mad and it distracts me alot. it's irresistible. I can't control it .
I also have a feeling of pleasure when i do this.
Is it normal?

Voting Results
18% Normal
Based on 80 votes (14 yes)
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Comments ( 8 )
  • robbieforgotpw

    I fart all the time and a lot of them end up as sharts

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  • Audacia

    It's an OCD condition. It's a slight mental disorder. Its not normal but thats okay. So long as you're not really damaging your body I wouldn't worry to much. IF you ARE then see a doctor to help you overcome this.

    I always bite my inner lip. When young I bit so much I bit little bites out. I can still feel where the flesh is gone from. The hair would be bad if you were pulling it from your head. But many people shave their pubic hair off anyway. So that may be okay.

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  • tacolord

    Try chewing candy or gum or maybe even chewable baby toys... And as for the pubic hair just shave yourself! Best of luck

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  • SandyGun5555

    Go and see a psychiatrist. Seriously, you're screwed up.

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  • Unicron

    I understand the feeling, I have trichotillomania. But from the sounds of it, dermatillomania sounds a lot more damaging than trich and if you're not already, I hope you seek professional help

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    • ThatCreepyWhiteGuy

      Is that why you eat planets?

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  • Phishy

    We're the same. I'm a guy and I do these habits too (except for the pulling out hair) part.

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  • RoseIsabella

    Kinda makes picking boogers and dandruff look normal.

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