Is it normal that i have the urge to grab my cat?

Hi everyone!

My cat doesn't trust me so rarely does he come sit with me. I have a strong urge to grab him against his will and just hold him there atleast trying to comfort him. This doesn't help his trust issues with me!! I would like some advice on how to gain his trust, so he can sit with me on his own more often. Thank you for your time!

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Comments ( 5 )
  • Shrunk

    when i was little I used to grab my cat and hold him all the time... he would get annoyed but I still did it cus I couldn't resist the cuteness lol. I think it just takes more patience with cats as they take longer to trust you... my cat, who is now 16 years old and lets me hold him like a baby, he sits right next to me or sometimes in my lap while im watching tv, we share the same chair at the table and he lays in my arms while we sleep, all the while purring really loudly ^^

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  • mekzpop

    I have three cats and I adore all of them and treat them all the same, but I have the same problem with the youngest boy, he just won't sit on my lap or let me hug him like his sister does. It drives me nuts because he's so cute and squishy and I want to pay attention to him as much as the others but he won't let me. The only time he lets me near him is when he knows I might feed him, (he's the greediest out of all of them xD) but he bites my fingers alot when I stroke him, even though he purrs at the same time.

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  • alv1592

    Why doesn't he trust you? Perhaps you've squeezed him too much? Try petting him gently and talking softly to him..thats always comforting.

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  • suckonthis9

    There is quite a bit of difference in behaviour between a 'tom' cat and a 'molly' cat. Add to this, every cat has his or her own character, for lack of a better word.
    Remember that domestic cats are Sentient (forward thinking).
    Perhaps someone should invent a new term to describe "the character of a domestic cat", analogous to a "personality" in a person.

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  • in order to do that is to just ignore him look it up on and you'll see that's what you have to do and don't even talk to him

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