Is it normal that i have this fear?

Hello, I'm a girl and I have this great fear of disappointing my parents. I even ended up wanting to commit suicide if ever I didn't pass my board exam (but I did passed it).. I'm always afraid of doing something that can disappoint them.. Is this normal?

Voting Results
54% Normal
Based on 78 votes (42 yes)
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Comments ( 12 )
  • SangoNyappy

    I feel exactly the same. Especially because they always compare me to other people and it just puts me down.

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    • mycutepup

      you're absolutely right..

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  • AbnormallyAwesome

    I think it's normal to not want to disappoint your parents but not in such an extreme way. Does this fear feal irrational or is there a concrete reason why you'd be so afraid? How do your parents react when you disapoint them?

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    • mycutepup

      Sometimes I think it's irrational.. but other times.. maybe I'm just so afraid that other people will hurt my parents feelings because I'm the reason behind it and to be a disappointment would mean others will also think that my parents are also at fault.. it's just so complicated.. My parents would comfort me and tell me that it's okay but in the end I can feel that they would always compare me to other people and I know that they are disappointed.. and I would feel this great sadness and fear of disappointing them & hurting their feelings..

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      • AbnormallyAwesome

        And if you had children, would they be a disappointment because they didn't pass an exam? Probably not, right? You'd probably still love them and do everything to make them happy and achieve their dreams. And above all you'd probably not give a flying f**k about what other people think about your children, because you'd know they are great the way they are.

        To me you sound like a very selfless, caring person and your parents have every reason to be proud of that!

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  • ChemGirl

    I feel the same way, although my parents never compared me to anyone else. One time I asked my dad what his biggest goal in life was, and he told me it was to have smart children. I am an only child...that's lots of pressure.

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  • highrider

    This is what we call an irrational fear

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  • ganesha

    VERY normal. Some serial killer called Kipland Kinkel killed his parents, because he did not want to disapoint them anymore. He thought it would be better if they were dead.
    But please do not over-do it. I know, everybody wants their parents to be proud, but you can't ALWAYS satisfy them..

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    • mycutepup

      I agree with you.. but I would complete rather go kill myself.. I can't even bring myself to think like that serial killer

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  • ImaCoolcat

    Thats exactly how I feel too, because my parents make me feel like i am a dissapointment. But now its better, because I finally told them, that the things they said hurt me, and i had to go to a physciatrist and stuff. So mostly, you just need to talk to them about it, or just someone about it, like someone you trust, and tell them to tell you parents, because they might be able to explain it better than you can.

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    • mycutepup

      Thanks for this.. I'm not really open to my parents but I'll try your advice

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  • Fabulous

    Penillaries are veins in your penis

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