Is it normal that i have this irrational paranoia?

Lately, for some reason I am paranoid that cops are going to come to my house and arrest me or I will get a court summons paper in my mail. The funny thing about this is that I have no criminal history and have not committed any crimes that I am aware of. Still I have irrational fears that I committed a crime while sleepwalking or in a state of amnesia. I've been having thoughts of escape methods when the papers or the cops do show up as I would rather die than go to prison or jail. I'm not sure what's up with my thought process lately. I do not use drugs or alcohol.

Voting Results
29% Normal
Based on 69 votes (20 yes)
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Comments ( 12 )
  • Hitlеr

    Nowadays if you live in the USA that's actually very possible

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  • thegypsysailor

    Well, you've got a problem, don't you?
    Perhaps you are schizophrenic and your alter ego is a serial killer or rapist. Perhaps your conscience is informing you of something you just can't admit to yourself.
    Perhaps you are not at all paranoid, but prescient and you are seeing your future.
    Perhaps you should prepare yourself to be your cellmate, Bubba's, plaything, because when push comes to shove, you will be taken alive.

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  • Hamid37USA

    When I come in USA I will like to buy some meth from you.
    Thank you for offer.


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  • TweedRanger

    The clue is in the question.

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  • handsignals

    no it's not normal...unless your black.

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  • RomeoDeMontague


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  • eternalsmoke31

    Seek help because that isnt normal. Its only going to get worse as time goes by without medication, legal or otherwise.

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  • RoseIsabella

    Do you take sleeping pills? Ambien actually does cause sleep walking!

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  • Karmasbitch

    I worry about this as well! I am terrified I will go to prison for signing paper work that I didn't understand or something. I am really paranoid about it. That's awesome that I'm not alone.

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  • hoppy

    I have to ask what country do you live in. In several countries this would not be irrational. Maybe it is not as irrational as you think it sounds.

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  • flowergirl87

    Paranoia can be really difficult to deal with and I feel for you! Kinda sounds like you're worried about going wrong somewhere and your brain has kind of gone into overdrive...? Ask yourself how much pressure you're under in your life. Could have something to do with it. At least you know it's paranoia. Most of us will have some kind of paranoia at some point. Infact, I'd say nearly everyone.

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  • gummy_jr

    You sleepwalk.

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