Is it normal that i have to be on drugs to appreciate life?

Is it normal that I have to be in mind altering substances to appreciate my life? Since this is anonymous, I feel like I can let everything out.
I have a pretty good life, I have a great job, I make 70k a year, and I climbed my way up from the bottom in a male dominated industry, I have two amazing kids, and I’m married to a man that would easily qualify for the worlds greatest husband. I got a roof over my head, all my bills are paid, life is genuinely good.
I do acid and cocaine every Friday night. Nothing crazy, I just trip on acid, hang out with my husband, and do drugs in the privacy of my own home. I feel like I have my shit together as an adult. I do drugs because I want to feel something. Anything. So I only have feelings on Friday night. Friday nights make me so happy because I can see how beautiful life is, and that I’m doing good. But the rest of the week? I’m unhappy. Unhappy at work, and when I come home I just want to be left alone. I know my job adds a lot to my unhappiness, so I’m currently looking for another job. I’m just hoping that leads to legit happiness.

Voting Results
17% Normal
Based on 12 votes (2 yes)
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Comments ( 29 )
  • libertybell

    Maybe you just think you're unhappy. I had the best boyfriend in the world,and I thought I was unhappy. Now my boyfriend's dead,and I'm miserable all the time. I didn't realize how good I had it. Just something to consider.

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    • 1234tellmethatyoulovememore

      The scariest part of this post is the two kids :(

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      • Why is that? Both of my kids are grown and out of the house.

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  • bigbudchonger

    It's not good, dude. I'm in a similar position to you, and I'll tell you this, if we don't get out of it we'll end up insane or dead.

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  • Orphan

    Sounds like it's just something you do for enjoyment. If you feel it's interfering with your life, reach out for help

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    You’re doing the exact opposite of what you need to do to appreciate life. To do that, go out into nature alone until you detox. Then slowly return and appreciate the beauty of all people.

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  • profanity

    Cocaine is bad for your health. If you need drugs to feel happy, then you are not really happy.

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    • I think you missed the point, what I’m saying is, I want to do fun drugs because I’m already happy, where as now I do them to make me happy. Ya know?

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      • ospry

        Sounds like you've formed a dependency or are forming one. If you're actually unable to feel happy unless/until you do acid and coke then that should be a red flag

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  • mrblueeyes75

    Just watch it with the Powder, cause your weekly bumps will increase, now LSD i have been eating for 35 years and no it has never messed with the way my brain works that's a load of shit.. Cocaine on the other hand is the devil of Drugs...

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  • Jimmybga

    I smoke meth every day to feed normal, and I don't mind all the masterbation

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  • Cable4nerds

    It sounds more like you should talk to someone and figure out why you feel or don’t feel a certain way, get to the root because it sounds like you’re developing a dependency and it only take a handful of times before you do one thing that puts you down a slippery slope.

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  • Uhnonneymussmouse

    This is just my opinion but I feel like a lot of people get to a point where they’re unhappy with their lives. If it’s not negatively affecting you, then by all means, have fun. You only have one life, might as well experience as many thing as you can. Since you say you’re only doing it once a week, I think you’ll be fine. Have you thought about therapy to find out why you’re truly unhappy? Therapy can be very enlightening and maybe you’ll get to the point where you can just do drugs because you’re already having fun. Kudos to you for having your shit together tho!

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  • 1234tellmethatyoulovememore

    You're going to fuck your entire life up. Stop doing this stuff now. Both those types of drugs are things people cross with worse substances all the time. The moment someone outside your bubble finds out you are doing this there is likely going to be a call to CPS. It's probably already affecting how your brain works.

    If you are asking this you already know it's not normal. You need to stop and get help now before it gets worse and becomes a serious addiction. I am not trying to come off as cruel or judgemental, just straightforward. I wish you the best. Love your children, love your children.

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    • How can cps get involved if both of my kids are grown and don’t live in my house?

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      • 1234tellmethatyoulovememore

        Well, that's good at least. Still unfortunate though.

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        • Uhnonneymussmouse

          Wow. Cunty much?

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  • I’m currently sitting in my back yard in my robe, doing bumps and just enjoying my trip. My husband decided to trip too and we had a great time! It’s 2am now so I’ve still got a while on my trip and plenty of nose candy to keep me company lol

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  • litelander8

    Building a tolerance to acid is probably not gonna be great. Cheers to you to be able to afford acid and blow every week. It’s also cool that your husband is great and you can acknowledge that. I hope you remind him often.

    But yes, life is a shithole.

    Do you really think a new job is going to stop you from the weekend shindig?

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    • I don’t think the new job will stop the good ol weekend shindig, but it will definitely help with the stress which will lead to an ever better Friday night. Because then, I would be doing it because I’m happy, rather than doing it because that’s the only way I can be happy. If that makes any sense?

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  • stargazermgj

    Normal? No. The worst thing in the world? Hell no. You could be doing much much worse and the fact that you asked this question at all tells me that you're a responsible person of sound mind. Do you mind if I ask you a question though?

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    • Of course, ask away!

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      • stargazermgj

        Have you ever done ecstasy?

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        • I have not

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          • stargazermgj

            That's too bad. It's the best "fun" drug.

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            • Uhnonneymussmouse


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            • I’ve heard good and bad things about it, how is it for you?

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