Is it normal that i have to google everything i don't understand?
Like the title says, is it normal that I google everything? And then I spend hours reading what they have to say about it on Wikipedia.
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Like the title says, is it normal that I google everything? And then I spend hours reading what they have to say about it on Wikipedia.
I love google! I've learned so much just being able to pull up the information right when I'm wondering.
Yes, why not? I often spend a great deal more time looking up a dozen words or so in a dictionary when I have gone to only look up the definition of one word. This is the cyberspace equivalent and nothing, not even classroom learning, takes the place of learning that is fueled by one's own motivation.
Something to think about is that less than 12 percent of human written knowledge is accessible via the internet, and Google only accesses a fraction of that. And the available data is often flawed, biased, incorrect or just plain lies. Wikipedia runs the gamut from not bad to downright awful.
The only reason I know anything at all is because I've been curious enough to find out. When things were harder to discover, I made more effort to remember them. Now I worry that I'm becoming a "dumb terminal" and that I may come to see the web as my knowledge store and thus not remember as much. I seriously think that Google is making me stupid.
I do the same, I figure whats that harm as long as you can read through the BS. I think the internet is a fantastic tool - like a while back I wanted to install a sink (i had no freaken clue) but I googled it and I youtubed it and I did it - saved a bomb!
I love hving easy internet access. It has helped to settle many arguments and answer random trivia questions that come up in conversation.