Is it normal that i have to have my feet tucked into my bottom sheet

Every night when I go to sleep, I make a pocket type thing with my sheets over my feet. I have this odd obsession that something with long sharp nails is gonna grab my feet and drag me under my bed to it's dungeon.

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85% Normal
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Comments ( 7 )
  • Avant-Garde

    So do I. Its like folding yourself into a taco blanket:)

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  • Terence_the_viking

    yu know about that too.

    Nobody believes but when they do it's too late.

    Go to sleep go to sleep ... No it's gonna get me.

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  • ThousandPoundsOfGanja

    I can't hang my feet off the end if my bed either, I'm scared something will grab me.

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  • MidnightKitten

    Oh I'm the same way, even in the summer i have my feet covered.. but i started doing that because when i was little my Mom always said if you don't cover your feet the devil is going to drag you... lol She used to tell us this so we could be perfectly warm in bed but left my siblings and i traumatized.
    How did you start tucking them in?

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  • osyguss

    Yes its normal...I do it too even than I dont feel as safe but definitely better when my feet are b crazy to go to sleep with my feet untucked.when I have I have had really bad nightmares :(

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  • Jimbobasaur

    What a boring and normal thing to say. Yeah it's normal!

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  • NateWest

    I don't know if its normal but I usually do that.One time when I was younger I had a dream a ton of spiders were eating my feet So I woke up screaming and crying and when I looked down it was just the dog licking my feet

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