Is it normal that i have trouble talking to anybody i don't know?

Just a 20 year old young man. I do have 2 real friends, one of them's my best friend (10 years) and we talk a lot and it's totally fine. On the other hand, when I talk to anybody I don't know, it's just too difficult. I spend the whole conversation trying my best not to be a bore and to seem as natural as I can be. I'm always seriously nervous when I know I'm about to meet someone I don't know cos I'm afraid they wont like me. I also commit the crime of over thinking and analysing people's tones, facial expression, the way they put words... I'm supposed to be funny and talkative and friendly, I don't know what happened. Of course I'm not straight, and that's one huge insecurity I've got. It's like they'll find out about this and be disgusted they ever got to know me. If I'm me, they make fun of me. If I'm straight pretending, it doesn't feel natural thus I come across as an uninteresting fake guy. I would gladly talk to anyone, just promise me you'll like me. This is a serious problem cos I lack social/communication skills.

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87% Normal
Based on 38 votes (33 yes)
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Comments ( 3 )
  • Orangemarie

    Yes and no. You may have a social phobia. I had several students who were that way. People with social phobias can't help it. You may just need counseling, or maybe meds. A few of my students with social phobias had both. Or maybe you could join a club and get more practice talking with others?

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  • Paradiddle

    I'd say its normal, I don't like talking to people I don't know either. Of course I "can", I just don't expect to bond with them due to non-compatible interests. The whole not being straight thing is a real reason to be worried, people on a whole WILL judge about that and technically it isn't fair. You just want to be accepted but lots of people won't be so open minded. I suppose this will have to be overcome somehow whether its with people who have similar interests to you or you being successful in being more relaxed in conversations.

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  • polarpandakittie

    Maybe youre shy?

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