Is it normal that i haven't gone outside in literally 6 months?

Ever since a murder occurred in my neighborhood I haven't gone outside. I've ordered all my food, clothes etc. off the web and had it brought to my door. The only instances where I went outside was when I got those items from my doorstep.
How do I get over my fear of going outside?

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19% Normal
Based on 216 votes (42 yes)
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Comments ( 34 )
  • Justsomejerk

    It's normal if you are the murderer. Are you?

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  • Pisslan616

    Don't you work or anything? You could work from home I guess but still.

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  • Aleks85

    I'm the murderer, and I can assure you you're less safe indoors than out. *wink*

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  • NeuroNeptunian

    First off, you're going to have to remember that murder, statistically, is pretty rare.

    Second, if you live in a halfway decent neighborhood, the person that was murdered was probably murdered by someone they know, like their spouse, child, brother, friend etc. Those situations normally only encompass the people themselves and there is little to no chance that you will come to harm.

    Third, leave the house, dude. There is really no sense in being so paranoid. I'm not going to sit here and bullshit you, we are all at even the slightest risk of becoming victim to a murder, but that doesn't mean that it is going to happen. You can't live your life being so scared of the world.

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  • Who_Fan4Life

    What I really want to know is, how are you ordering all this stuff online and spending money, but yet not MAKING money, seeing as you haven't gone to work (obviously).

    Unless you're rich as hell?

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  • Are you rich?

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  • YumInsanity

    The only way to conquer your fear is to order a pizza and then kill the pizza guy and then you will have become death and no longer fear other murderers

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    • Legion

      lol. I am become death!

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      • YumInsanity

        Destroyer of worlds, no less

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  • chicken_wings

    I bet you're the murderer.

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  • Shackleford96

    Start small. Force yourself to go outside, even if it's just for a short distance, and for a short time. Each day try to go a little farther and stay out a little longer. Maybe progress to going for short walks on occasion. Then long walks maybe? Sounds like a lot of effort, I know, but if you really want to change then I know you can do it. Good luck!

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  • sassafrassi

    Face your fears. It's the only way. If you get into a car accident you get back on the road right after. The longer you stay indoors the harder it's going to get to leave the house. just do it. :))

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  • Subfinmatic

    Go out at night, that's what I did when I was a hermit for half my life(skip teenage years).

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  • Negima93

    Try getting a trusted friend to come over, and be with you when you go outside. That way, you won't be alone.

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  • WhiteCrow

    I don't see how this works...What the murderer is a salesperson?

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  • RomeoDeMontague

    I dont believe this healthy and I too want to know where your funding it coming from. Do you pay your bills online?

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  • iin2want2know

    What if the murderer works as a delivery man?

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  • jaolpd365

    Dam is some one looking to kill you
    is it why

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  • welkinson

    Like spongebob in that one episode.

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  • AAbatteries

    Yikes, I'm sorry. That sounds scary.

    But you need to face reality... most murders aren't serial killers waiting to kill just anybody. Most murders happen between people that ALREADY know one another and got into a physical confrontation over something (drugs, money, spousal relations, etc).

    So someone isn't likely to just come up to you and murder you just because you look scared.

    Go out in broad daylight, where other people will be able to see you if something were to happen. Bring a cell phone to call 911 with if it were to happen. Bring a supportive friend. See a therapist that you like and that is qualified to deal with phobias.

    Good luck! :)

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  • Ryuk5127

    You need to slowly acclimatize yourself to the outside world again. stand outside for longer periods of time. I assure you that the danger is past.

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    • robbieforgotpw

      Acclimatize not a real word is it?

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  • Going_Gone

    After 6 months indoors it's no longer about a murder, it's agoraphobia. Living shuttered away in your house isn't living, you are wasting your life. Realize that the majority of violent crimes don't happen to strangers, and that nobody is out to get you. Start going outside in baby steps: a little walk when the neighbourhood is quiet, a little trip to the grocery store, etc. which will help you realize that there's nothing to worry about in the real world outside your door.
    I hope you're taking vitamin D supplements because the body takes most of its vitamin D from the sun. Also, exercise helps you stay healthy in body and mind.

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    • Middlefinger

      this is a good-quality answer :D

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  • CheyChey

    you are aware that if someone wanted to kill you they'd break in i don't mean to scare you but you gotta get out the house. death is not something you can run away from, are you going to do that for the rest of your life 6 months will become a year and so on.

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    • RomeoDeMontague

      Why you pull out a giant Katana and swiftly remove their heads like a piece of bamboo! Doing it Kill Bill style.

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  • ginz


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  • Do you have a large supply of pot? because then you won't need to!

    Also do you have nostrils?

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    • Avant-Garde

      You really love nostrils, don't you?

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      • Huh nostrils? What gives you that idea?

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  • porital12

    Well a Murder didn't happen in my neighborhood, But i don't go outside, I stay in the house because i have internet, and kids and a family....Oh yea...and food, i get my husband to d that, surprisingly I am not as fat as you think, size 2!!!!! baby!

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    • robbieforgotpw

      Won't be a two for long though.

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  • anti-hero

    For someone this stupid it is probably best to stay indoors. So you don't bother the rest of world.

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    • Ryuk5127

      this is a perfectly normal reaction. I'd be terrified too.

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