Is it normal that i hear this?

So last night I was lying on my bed, watching Tv, texting A guy I used to have a relationship with, And my fan was on. I was lying on my left side.. So my right ear was facing outward.. And I heard a deep, soft male voice, it was calm but I scared me to death. And after I heard my name, I thought I was over, but then I heard breathing and sighing right behind me . I FROZE. I couldnt even turn to thy other side. This was the first time that it was so DIRECT I usually hear regular people I can't see , and children , From time to time. Only half of the time is scary.. Is this normal?? (focus on what happened last night)

its nothing to worry about 8
You probably have a physic ability 6
Talk to someone about it 10
Your mad. Go to a doctor 5
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Comments ( 6 )
  • CountessDouche

    It's just an auditory hallucination from having a fan blowing right near your ear. The human brain is wired to find patterns in chaos and recognizable order where there is none- the most simple example is seeing shapes in clouds. I used to have a fan right next to my bed, and I could swear, I would hear the sound of people murmuring or even music sometimes- really quiet. It's just from the air moving across your ear. It'll go away if you ditch the fan.

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    • Redcoats

      Exactly this (:

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  • pixie_dust

    During my life I have encountered many different random, bizarre occurrences. Nothing exactly like you're describing, but I said that it's nothing to worry about. Just tuck it away in your mental rolodex and maybe at some point synchronicity will show you the nature of this. It could be many different things. Some bleedthrough from a different dimension, could be somebody that astral projected maybe. Did it sort of come from inside your head? did you have any malevolent/benevolent sense? I had such a thing that it was a sort of a voice the only time I ever heard it (not hearing voices as a mental condition). I knew it was real bcuz it made sense years afterwards it was significant and I was unaware at the time. It could have been a form of telepathy? IT's really hard to say. I would just say, to rely on your intuition.

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  • MysteriousTrainerfromBeyond

    It sounds like Paranormal Activity. Have you tried talking back? Maybe if you try getting to know these entities, they won't seem so scary. I recommend a Medium (a person who speaks to spirits).

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    • WhompWhomp

      Where could I find them? For reasonable pay. For $50 or less

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      • MysteriousTrainerfromBeyond

        I must sincerely apologize. I don't know of any Medium locations...I'm sorry.

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