Is it normal that i i don't like being watched even if its my family??

I.E. Say I'm at work and I have to wash some dishes or sweep a floor, I don't like people to watch me when I'm doing something mainly.

I just feel that they are thinking something bad about me or i might mess-up doing what I am working on so i guess I'm self conscience... is this normal??

Voting Results
82% Normal
Based on 118 votes (97 yes)
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Comments ( 11 )
  • Angel_in_a_Glass_Dress

    are they watching you? or did they just happen to move their eyeballs towards you while doing something else?

    sometimes it's not what you're thinking.

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  • lqsr

    It's normal in maybe a not so normal world it may signify your highly sensitive ways (look up h.s.p. - highly sensitive people) a characteristic is not liking to be watched
    It may involve sexual abuse or a sign of abuses hope you get closer to what it might be

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  • Mason554

    Ps I'm not a perv for undressing in front of the window that's just how big the window is it sucks somebody's seen my Wang at the 1rst day

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  • Mason554

    Lol try living in a 2 story house with NO curtains facing the road I've already got a text saying I watched you undress wtf

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  • ThatUglyDoll

    I know exactly what you are saying. I find myself trying to be as quiet and as invisable as I can around my husband because he is high strung and gets irritated easily.

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    • Mason554

      Id think you were cheating

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  • BigFootJoey

    well to tell the truth its mainly my dad because if im doing the dishes or talking out the trash he will try to find one thing worng or....

    he wil say you know you dont have to make that much noise doing dishes even tho i can kclean a dirty kitchen in less than ten... i feel like they are all scheming against me and they want me to mess up so they can feel better for them selves...

    i mean here i am busting my ass for free and its not about the money its about me helping my family because none of my parents do anything around the house and all my money only 500 a month at a dead end job goes to some bills for them and their cell phones yet i dont even have one or tv in my room.

    I'm just tired of people trying to find the negative in things and not see the possitive that i try to acomplish. thanks for reading people but only 3 years and im gone out of the Burbs

    Ive been coming here for over 2 years and never decided to post because i didnt want to be judged but some of yall if not most have helped me.

    its just say im putting up dishes from my family and if i m too loud my dad will shout out at me saying "your being too fucking loud. "we all know you are doing the dishes you dont have to take it out on all of us so i guess this is why im anti-social when it comes to doing stuff and even average stuff. sorry i f i wasted yalls guys time . i live in bum fuck texas and i wanna get as far away as possible.

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  • SanDEstevez

    I hate people watching me eat

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  • that's how i am i always think that they are thinking something bad of me i don't like being watched either

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  • Rancher

    The same thing goes for me, don't ask me why. This is especially the case when doing some hard physical work. I would be thinking: "What if I mess something up?". I guess I need to stop thinking that everything is about me and stop being afraid of embarrassing moments. My self-esteem is kind of low, obviously.

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  • FireWorks

    I don't like being watched too but only by strangers. It makes me feel self-conscious.
    So I'd say yes for that part and no for the family part. Why couldn't your family watch you?

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