Is it normal that i insult people who try to help me?

Ever since leaving home at a young age and going it alone I've also had this problem where I viciously insult anyone who tried to offer up help or be nice to me. Is it normal?

Voting Results
35% Normal
Based on 60 votes (21 yes)
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Comments ( 9 )
  • dom180

    I do this sometimes. It would have been different if I asked for help, but if someone offers help before I ask for it, it feels as if they are talking down to me because they presume that I cannot cope by myself. I know that it is unhelpful, unkind and impatient of me, but I still do it. I've always felt that I'll stop automatically doing this in time.

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  • Numbertwo

    I beefstew people who try to help me
    Movie reference-the benchwarmers

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  • cgibso12

    You sound like some of the pricks I work with. A little kindness goes a long way. Ease up. The world could be a nicer place.

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  • alv1592


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  • Buhhhrito

    It's a pride thing. When they offer you help, you hear it as them saying "You can't do it by yourself". And you feel threatened, so you lash out.

    Just let it happen, it will make the person feel better, and you'll get something out of it.

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  • Andy20

    Wtf is wrong with u maybe you shouldn't even receive any help at all and just go through what your going through. I wouldn't help you for nothing if you would have done that to me

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  • littlelulu1999

    You've become hard, proud, independent; you may think you don't deserve help or kindness, you think whoever being nice to you or trying to help you has some hidden agenda or lacks sincerity; somebody hurt you bigtime any case, as long as you are not currently being hurt by it, learn to let down your guard a little and accept kindness and help because we all deserve a little bit of both every now and then....I'm not saying trust everybody....I'm saying let down your guard a little, and if they prove themselves sincere and true, then yes accept help and kindness because you deserve it....

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  • Sweetz

    Defense mechanism or you are too proud and want to be independent, not be dependant on others.

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  • Killer-X-945

    id love to say this isnt normal, but unforuntaly everyone i ever try to help always do that. so id say its pretty normal. at least if youre a girl.

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