Is it normal that i just kind of hate christianity?
I don't mean to offend anyone by this, but just the whole idea of it annoys me as an atheist. I heard that one Christian group killed a 4-year-old out of fear that he was homosexual. And what's this whole idea that homosexual people are possessed by the devil anyway?
That's just the kind of prejudice that the church apparently discourages people from making. The church hates other things as well, like sex out of marriage for any other purpose other than having children, which is a NATURAL HUMAN PROCESS in you didn't realise.
And they're obviously hypocrites. In the bible, you can read about incest, domestic violence, a ton of other things that are "immoral" and to top it all off is a concept of eternal hell to keep terrified souls in check.
There's the christian political party as well, which really pisses me off. Among other things, it wants to ban abortion (as horrible as it sounds, I am a pro-abortionist (but only in situations where it would be worse to let the baby live)), make all schools christian and pray every morning and indoctrinate (brainwash in other words) kids from an early age - so bang goes individuality, and have public campaigns to discourage homosexuality, which is just horrible.
In fact, I read another article on here where a homosexual man who really needed it was forcibly dragged away by the donor's parents just because he was homosexual and "possessed by the devil". And then he died because he couldn't find a donor in time.
So, in three words - homophobic brainwashing hypocrites!
P.S. Really hope I didn't offend anyone.