Is it normal that i keep failing at my driving license test ?

I keep failing at my driving license test. I failed like 5 times already and I can't quit because my parents wasted like a lot of money...

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44% Normal
Based on 87 votes (38 yes)
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Comments ( 28 )
  • Shackleford96

    Practice more.

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    • DavidGman

      thank you very much

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  • robbieforgotpw

    Take a good powerdump beforehand to relax yourself. Sometimes I just sit on the can and fart
    You're welcome

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    • DavidGman

      Lol thank you

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  • green_boogers

    Btw. Practice parallel parking by lining up grocery carts. Stand in front of one while you back it into the line of carts. It will give you a sense of what your back wheels are doing.

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  • Couman

    Just by the sheer number of times you've failed, no it's not normal. But I don't really have enough details to say any more. But I do know they can fail you for the stupidest little things, it some of the testers are pricks.

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    • DavidGman

      thank you for your reply

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  • AprilMarie97

    I'm in the same position as you're this is my fifth time of failing my permit test. At times I've wanted to give up, but my soul is too strong not to give up. Yes, I've broke down & cried about it called myself a failure. I am studying the whole book as well. But I'm going to keep trying, Its like I've everything else going happy in my life. It's just this stupid permit. Even if you fail again, take it the day they tell you to come back on. Sometimes its the same questions' but still study the book. Hopefully me & you will pass. Good luck'

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  • rockerqueen

    To be honest, I failed 2-3 times I think. It sucked hardcore. However, I took the time to practice more and BOOYA. I finally got it! So, really, you just need to practice more! You've got this! :)

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  • KeepsakeDoll

    Even though this comment is useless, I just thought of how nice it is for you to thank people who actually gave some advice or input.

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    • DavidGman

      Yeah I am thankful for people who waste a minute of their time to help me. and thank you too for this comment :P

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  • Holzman_67

    I failed 4 times and when I passed I drove the worst!

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  • I failed the first few times too. Fortunately where I live you can take it as many times as you want.

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    • DavidGman

      the problem is I can take it as many times too but in less then a month I will go serve in the army so I will not have time..
      thank you very much for your reply tho

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  • plainsight90

    Just keep practicing and relax. Shake it off. Keep taking the test until you pass! This has happened to others; you are not the first and certainly not the last.

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    • DavidGman

      thank you very much for your reply

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  • NeuroNeptunian

    Fuckin' practice.

    Take the practice test whenever you have spare time and practice driving. Practice is literally the only thing that will make you better.

    And speed.
    Don't do speed tho.

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    • DavidGman

      thank you very much

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  • Anime7

    As everybody keeps saying and will say, keep practicing. It took my brother 5 tries to pass his, and my mom 2, so you're not the only one who couldn't get it on the first try.

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    • DavidGman

      thank you very much

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  • Avant-Garde

    Is it the written test or the actual driving test that you keep failing?

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    • DavidGman

      Actual driving test

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  • megadriver

    Not trying to bring you down, but if you fail your driving test five times, or more, maybe you are not suited for driving...
    I mean failing once is ok, but five times... What did you do? How did it go so terribly wrong?

    Naturally, I can take into account that some examiners are pricks that like to fail people, but that usually happens once, or twice.

    Now, some basic driving-related questions and info.

    Are you interested in cars at all? Cause if you have no interest in something, you are going to be rubbish at it.
    You should never ask me to knit (for example), cause I'm not interested. So I would be rubbish at knitting. Possibly the worst.
    Do you know the rules? Vital part of driving
    Do you know how to handle the car? Car control is key! If you can't "connect" with the car and feel it, chances are you are not going to be a very good driver.
    Can you calculate speed, distance and time? Those are important.
    Do you think rationally? Driving in icy conditions. Driving in heavy rain, etc...

    Cause if you fail at these things, you could end up being a bad and possibly dangerous driver.
    Nothing worse than a driver that can't handle their car, cutting people off, not knowing the rules, failing to see other cars, signs & others, or failing to calculate speed and distance. All of these things can lead to crashes.

    If you feel that you can adress your flaws (whatever they are) and are confident, give it another try. If you fail, then maybe you shouldn't drive.

    I'm not being rude or anything. I'm being honest.

    Sources: A guy that loves cars and driving and has done over 50000km.

    If you've read so far... Well done and thanks.

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    • DavidGman

      I have read everything, thank you for this honest reply. I am kinda okay in driving but when I go to test I make stupid mistakes like being too close to cars on the right when no space..

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      • Avant-Garde

        It might be that you have an issue with perception. I myself have a similar issue. It could be that you have something like AWIS or Alice in Wonderland Syndrome.

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        • DavidGman

          Wow thanks for the info man

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          • Avant-Garde

            You're welcome. :)

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  • thegypsysailor

    Quite honestly, if you haven't got it by now, you probably should quit. You just do not seem to have an aptitude for driving and the rules that go along with it.
    I have a feeling you would be a terrible driver and a danger to yourself and everyone around you.
    I am NOT trying to be mean or cruel here, but the driving tests are designed to be passed by everybody in society (even if they do not speak or read English) and five times failing should be a message to you that you do not have the aptitude for driving. Sorry, go buy a bus pass.

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