Is it normal that i keep on evaluating myself?

I often evaluate myself, I often write down things that I have done sorta like how I would write something in a journal. I often evaluate myself how others and other people on this site perceive me as. I personally think that if I keep evaluating myself, I can then know my past mistakes and etc.

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Comments ( 5 )
  • Tommythecaty

    You’re taking yourself too seriously

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  • It's good to know where you're at and weigh it against where you'd like to be. As someone else said, it's better to look at the positives. Thinking about negatives will only strengthen those qualities through neural pathways being reinforced.

    In psychology it's called shadow work. The shadow is what's referred to as the culmination of all the qualities you resent and hide. An ignored and full shadow will quietly leak itself at inopportune times, like if you don't like that you interrupt people or something.

    It's best to assess what you need to integrate and focus on that until it's habit

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    I think it’s very valuable and shows a lot of introspection, if you’re honest with yourself. I kept a journal when I was in therapy, and it helped a lot.

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  • anabnormal_guy

    It better if you concentrate only on the positive side..
    I also thought of doing this, but I am too lazy

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  • cupcake_wants

    There is nothing wrong with that. Has it helped you a lot? I sort of do the same thing but without writing it down, just as a form of meditation, and it definitely has guided me.

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