Is it normal that i kind of look down on polygamy?

I hate how that sounds; " look down on polygamy." I want to make it clear that i have no right to judge, or assume anything about polygamists, because I am ignorant on the subject.

Anyways, the idea of one man and multiple women angers me for some reason. Society is still sexist, and this kind of highlights it. I feel like by "having" multiple women, you're objectifying them. Then again, the woman could say no. I have to keep reminding myself that it is her life, not mine.
Maybe if the multiple partners went both ways, I'd feel more at ease with it. For example, if a woman had multiple men.

Again, I'm a lesbian. I have no right to tell them how to live, or love for that matter.

But are my thoughts normal, or should I check in to the nearest Mental hospital?

Voting Results
86% Normal
Based on 51 votes (44 yes)
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Comments ( 39 )
  • Anime7

    I actually kind of agree with you. I watch this show called "Polygamy USA" and it's very insightful into the lives of polygamist. Sex is not really there main motivation for the living the way they do. In there minds this is the way God lives, and that was said by a woman. However, I feel the same way as you, because I wonder, why not have it the other way around? Like you said, a woman with multiple husbands. I will admit though that I am a bit jealous of those people, simply because it looks like they have could have threesomes every night. But it's probably not like that. And yeah it's there life, not mine, so I don't have a say in how they should live it.

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  • SummersEve

    Polygamy makes sense to me. I think monogamy is irrational no matter how you look at it.

    I believe that polygamy makes only the higher quality males in higher demand yet with higher accessibility, leaving the lesser ones who cannot provide and don't have the most desirable genetics alone to not produce offspring and eventually shut off from society to die out like they should.

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    • kelili

      This is a nice way to see things.

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  • I do not understand why anyone is against polygamy. If its not for you, fine, but some people do not want to live they're life with the same person and that is fine as well.
    Personally while I've had a couple relationships, I feel naturally aromantic. I do not understand romance yet I still have a sex drive. This makes things hard for me because most women want a relationship to have sex, yet the idea of living with the same person forever is unappealing to me and I'm not someone to lie about wanting love just to have sex. It's a different sexual orientation just like someone who is gay or asexual so you shouldn't be judging because it is a bit hypocritical.

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    • TeganAndSara

      I made it beyond clear that I don't judge polygamists whatsoever.

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      • Obviously you do or you wouldn't "look down" on them. Looking down on someone is the ultimate judgement so your statement is contradictory and foolish.

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        • TeganAndSara

          Again, I don't look down on the polygamists. I just don't understand the polygamy. I have already admitted my ignorance multiple times.

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  • GoraIntoDesiGals

    I would love a harem :-)

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  • Hamid37USA

    When I come USA I will be excite to buy many wifes for sex and cook.

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  • RoseIsabella

    The problem isn't with you girlfriend, of this you can be sure.

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    • Anime7

      I see you around here a lot, and I just want to say that I think you're pretty great. You give really good advice and always reply honestly. You seem like you know a lot about life and someone who would be interesting to talk to. I hope I don't sound like a creep. I just wanted you to know how awesome of a person I think you are.

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      • RoseIsabella

        Thanks! It's very kind of you to say and you certainly don't sound like a creep. I think you're a sensitive person with good solid morals.

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        • Shackleford96

          Just wanted to tag along and agree with what Anime7 said :)

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          • RoseIsabella

            Right on! Thanks. :)

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  • DolphinAngel

    As a pretty much heterosexual man I can say that the thought of polygamy pretty much bothers me but this is only my personal feeling as I would never want more than one woman/female being at a time...

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  • TheGasManCometh

    I'm with you on this one - polygamy just feels really wrong to me. It should be illegal, worldwide. If people want open relationships, fine - but even an atheist like me thinks marriage ought to mean one-on-one.

    Q1w2e3 actually does manage to make a couple of decent points - though they are sandwiched between absolute bullshit. I prefer QotSA - No one knows!

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    • Why do you feel the right to tell others what lifestyle they should have? Personally I think marriage is meaningless but if someone wants a piece of paper saying that they owe each other money if they break up, its not my business even though its something I would never want. Your logic is the same as being mad at someone who ordered a different meal than you at a restaurant because it wasn't the same as yours even though it has no affect on you.

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      • TheGasManCometh

        Hey bugs - thumbs up to this! Thanks for a good comeback, I was obviously in a bad mood. However, I cannot agree with you entirely. Yes, marriage can be seen as "just a piece of paper" etc, but it's actually more than that. I'm married, but all we did was have a small party on a beach somewhere after my brother (not a priest, or even close) said a few words. No pieces of paper, surname changes or rights given or taken away - just two people declaring their love for each other, and their wholehearted intention to be with each other - and only each other - for the rest of their days.

        That is what marriage means to me, so the whole polygamy thing just doesn't fit. It also feels somehow repugnant, but I can't clarify the reasons why, so it's just my opinion. But you're right - what other people choose to do is their own business, and I don't have the right to tell them it's wrong, and certainly not the right to enforce it or think others should do so.

        Here's a question, though - do you honestly believe that people in polygamous relationships actually want that? Would a woman, given free choice and opportunity, really choose to be one of several in some dude's harem? I seriously doubt it - hence my comment.

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        • Polygamy by definition the woman can have multiple husbands as well. I think what most people here are referring to is polygyny which is specifically a man with a harem (which is a subtype of polygamy) If someone didn't want to be in that sort of relationship why would they get in it in the first place. I am against arranged marriage though because it takes away free will, but even with free will there will still be someone who will want anything you could imagine. I could imagine bisexual women who want both a husband and a wife being in this sort of relationship.

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          • TheGasManCometh

            Again, I do agree with you - in that the basic idea of polygamy is fine, as long as the men and women involved are all consenting adults.

            But sometimes we have to examine specific cases, and the majority of those are men with multiple wives, and (I honestly believe) most of the women in those situations would not choose such a life if they were truly free to choose their own.

            Historically speaking, powerful men were often able to pick as many women as they wanted for their harems, and the women had very little or no say in the matter. It is only relatively recently that what is technically rape has been made illegal - and in some countries, it sadly still hasn't.

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  • q1w2e3

    Western men have one wife (registered) but have multiple mistresses.

    Most of polygamists are religious people and they can have lawful up to 4 wives, most of them are faithful husbands. Islam also sets a very stringent rule if one wants to marry more than one wife, eg; one needs to be financially capable, one needs to be just, one needs to buy different houses for all wives etc etc.

    If one woman has many husbands, after some time that woman will contract a disease, it's medically proven. Also, there arises a question about the child, who is the father? It further complicates the lineage, inheritance.. etc.

    This doesn't happen with polygamy as the father is the same lesson.

    Social justice - during the war, it's men who get killed in big numbers. Women are left behind unmarried.. polygamy is one of the solution in this case. Similarly in many countries there is a gender imbalance, there are more women than men eg; china, India, even in US.

    Allah knows and we know not.

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  • thegypsysailor

    Like you said, who are YOU to judge?
    You already admitted you are abnormal; you claim to be a lesbo. I don't think a mental hospital or even a shrink would help you; it seems you have some growing up to do. Since you've never been w/a man or any experience you have had with them was so bad that you are now gay, I think you are the last person to judge others in a happy relationship.
    Don't knock it if you haven't tried it!

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    • TeganAndSara

      That's just like saying you should be with the same sex, or else you're not straight. And I have dated a man. It was the most regrettable decision of my life.

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    • Zonfire80

      Now your judging

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  • RomeoDeMontague

    To the OP I will say I completely understand what you mean. I have often wondered this myself. The way it was explained to me is that women have babies and so one dude can impregnate multiple women and they will stay home taking care of all those children. Well that was the theory anyways. So the point of this is to have big families all following one religion. Which from that point it does make sense. There is other type of relationships like this one though. A master/pet relationship. A master can have many pets and the pets are all obedient and loyal to the master. Pets and masters can be any gender. It king of goes into S&M though and each member in the relationship is happy to take on that position. In some cases will volunteer for it.

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  • utopia82

    Look at the idea this way, do you also look down on polyamory? (The practice of one woman marrying multiple men) is this about your personal hangups on a paternal society, or, is it your own personal hangups on men? In the end, its none of your concern what other people do. It also not right for anyone else to look upon what you do. My bedroom is none of your concern, nor is your mine.

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  • Is there a lesbian out there who isn't so massively insecure/hypocritical/jealous/fake/unintelligent/backwards/cock envious/cliche that they won't make me sick when they speak?

    I've met several in real life and they were the same, I was like "what is your fucking malfunction? Why are you so petty?" I don't see gay men all speaking/acting like this.

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    • TeganAndSara

      What the fuck are you talking about?

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      • See what I mean, dumb.

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        • TeganAndSara

          If you seriously believe petty, unrealistic stereotypes, then you obviously need to get out more.

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  • q1w2e3

    *can't bear

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  • q1w2e3

    Here is another scenario, man and woman gets married and later finds out that the wife can beat a child. They still love each other. They can adopt but man wants to have his own biological child. Instead of divorcing, after perhaps 10-20 years he can marry to another woman and have a child. He can also adopt a kid with the first wife.

    And to the question of one above, yes some woman willingly marry to a person as a 2nd wide or 3rd wife. Marriage is not always about "love" per se. People marry for other reasons as well. For example they might marry a widow who lives alone, so that she can once again have a happy family etc.. Don't just think about sex and love...

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    • TheGasManCometh

      Ah, but I think marriage should be all about love - all other concerns should be second to that. Guess I'm just a romantic!

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  • q25t

    The only issue I've got is with it being polygamy (male with multiple wives) and not polyandry (not gender specific).

    q1w2e3 makes some good points for only polygamy, although most drawbacks he mentions don't apply anymore due to genetic testing and hopefully pay equality sometime soon.

    The only real problem with state recognized polyandry is that inheritance laws would become quite complicated and legal issues would likely arise naturally for quite a whole until the problems were ironed out. Difficulty is not a reason to deny rights though.

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    • Polygamy is not gender specific. Polyandry is a woman with multiple husbands and polygyny is a man with multiple wives. You have your information backwards.

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      • q25t

        ah bugger, my bad.

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  • GuessWho

    Polygamy has been around for ages.
    While I don't see anything wrong with polygamy, I think monogamy is much better as you can dedicate yourself fully to that one special person.

    Anyway, go check yourself in to the nearest mental hospital for being a lesbian.

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    • RomeoDeMontague

      The was taken out of the diagnostic manual. Its no longer considered a mental illness.

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    • TeganAndSara

      Why's that?

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