Is it normal that i knew i was a socialist when i was 10 years old?

I have known that I was a socialist as long as I have known I what a socialist was. I often covered it up. Whenever someone said something against it, I would agree wholeheartedly... Is it normal?

No 12
What is a socialist? 13
Yes 24
You were that young!! 1
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Comments ( 21 )
  • NeuroNeptunian

    My first thought is no, usually a 10 year old does not have such intricate political beliefs but I find it very plausible on second thought. I'm sure if you were to ask a 10 year old "Do you think that the government should provide substantial sustenance for the elderly, handicapped and less fortunate?" Or "Do you think people who run businesses that scam and steal should be arrested and punished?", "Do you think the rich should help the poor?" Etc. In a less articulated manner of course, they'd probably agree to it. Most of us are taught, growing up, to help others and to treat others fairly and while I am not a socialist myself, this is the core intent of socialism (from my understanding).

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  • Sog

    All 10-year-olds are socialists.

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    • Correct.

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  • KnightNigelWellingtonXXI

    Were you really a socialist? Or were you just parroting your parent's beliefs to please them?

    I don't think it's normal. What kind of "normal" 10 year old gets into politics?

    Knight Knight Nigel Wellington XXI

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  • The way that society worked intrigued me at that age. It may be traced back to the fact that we read the Giver by Lois Lowry in school when I was 9 years old.
    DISCLAIMER: I am not 10 right now.

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    • lufa

      Socialism is another form of fascism. I believe we need some socialism since under pure capitalism, life would be terrible, but a socialist state would be like China or Russia today.

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  • robbieforgotpw

    9 came into contact with an extra terrestrial civilization...
    Can anyone say loony tunes?

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  • suckonthis9

    You had learned these archaic concepts early, from someone who did not have the cognitive aptitude to realize the implications and / or consequences of this.

    Please do not use -ists or -isms.

    Now, you can describe yourself as a socially minded person, or a social person.
    Humans are, for the most part, a social species of creature.
    By using the -ist, what you have done, is divided yourself from many people, who are also social creatures, but disagree (to varying extents) with the -ist doctrine.

    We all live in societies.

    Please re-think what that ideal society is (without using an -ist or -ism).

    We know from history, that many of these concepts, which work in theory, fail in practice.

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    • lufa

      "Please do not use -ists or -isms."

      You're an idiot posing as a pseudo-intellectual.

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      • RoseIsabella

        Oh hell to the yeah! I haven't heard the term pseudo-intellectual in years. Tell it!

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    • SuperBenzid

      Tone troll

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      • suckonthis9

        I'm terribly sorry, Sir Nomen Nudum, I do not speak Urban.
        Would you please rephrase your comment in English?

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        • SuperBenzid

          How much time do you spend each day trying to get other people to speak in the manner you prefer?

          Also why do you believe that you are the one to decide which manner of speech is acceptable? Why do you believe your judgement to be so superior to everyone else's?

          Also what is wrong with saying prism?

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          • suckonthis9

            Answer to first question: I spend far too much time, asking people repeatedly, to speak properly. There are very important reasons for this, as I have already outlined many of them.
            Some people, however, stubbornly cling on to Archaic beliefs and / or stubbornly refuse to improve themselves, thus creating corruption in language and / or stagnation in society.

            Answer to second question: I am the one, because I am the person who made a very important 'discovery' about our Universe, and subsequently have come into contact with another very much more advanced extra-terrestrial Civilisation.
            I freely admit, firstly that I too was incorrect, and secondly that since I'm also human, that I also can be in error. I also freely admit that, I myself need to improve communicatively, but this is difficult to do when many others habitually use language incorrectly and / or spuriously and / or haphazardly.

            Answer to third question: There is nothing wrong with using the term 'prism'. ONLY terms derived using the Hellenic (Greek) SUFFIXES from istēs or ismos.

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            • RoseIsabella

              So do you fancy yourself some sort of prophet as a result of your extraterrestrial experience?

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            • GoraIntoDesiGals

              Lol you're insane. Do you suffer from autism?

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