Is it normal that i know when something back will happen?

I'm a very scientifically minded person and yet I have this, well, talent that my friends compare to me being psychic.

Basically a few days ago I was struck with nerves before meeting up with a friend and I knew that something would happen between her and a girl who fell out with us a while ago. I warned her of this and sure enough, later that night, this girl posted a nasty comment on a photo of us. Just yesterday I was going horse riding and I knew that I would fall off. I did just that about ten minutes after saddling up. I also knew from the minute I met someone that the friendship wouldn't last and I have accurately predicted this on four separate occasions. This has been going on for years. I predicted my brother's allergic reaction to penicillin one year and another time I predicted someone's recovery from what seemed like a life threatening illness.

My main question is, is it normal that I have accurately predicted so many different events over the course of my life and that I am doing it with such accuracy?

Voting Results
46% Normal
Based on 26 votes (12 yes)
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Comments ( 12 )
  • Neuria

    Seems coincidental.

    "Gosh, something bad is going to happen at the public swimming pool. WOAH some kids got thrown out for rough housing!"

    See what I mean?

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    • RobynFlyte

      Yeah I totally get what you mean. I mean a lot of the stuff I am talking about is simply crazy coincidences. Last year for example I was looking over past papers the night before a final exam and the next day the exact section I had been revising came up on the final. I guess that is mostly just down to an incredibly lucky coincidence. The same could be said for much of the other stuff

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      • Neuria

        "WOAH I was reviewing for a test and some of the material I read was on the test!"

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  • Short4Words

    I sometimes get words about people that reveal something I don't know yet. I was at a friends house once and he said let's go up to my room and very loudly in my mind I heard the word "SPIDERMAN" and when I got to his room he had tons of spiderman memorabilia. Another time I was talking to a guy about sports and he was about to mention that he's a big fan of... and I heard the word "baseball" and then he says baseball. Sometimes I might see a car or a bird and wont know the name and I'll pray for an answer and I get the word, other times these words are completely involuntary.

    I think all of us are capable but not too many of us are really in tune with this ability.

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    • 1100101

      I agree with the bottom. Though it's probably irrelevant now.

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      • Short4Words

        I don't understand.

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  • TrustMeImLying

    I'm like you. I'm not spiritual and instead very rational, yet there are many things that happen that just baffle me.

    I should say that the part about "the friendship wouldn't last" is most likely a self-fulfilling prophecy. If you think a friendship won't last, it won't. If you think it will last, then it will. There's nothing psychic to that

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    • RobynFlyte

      Sorry for the late reply but I had never actually considered the idea of a "self-fufilling prophecy" before and it does make sense.

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  • 1100101

    Normal, sometimes while I'm day dreaming I suddenly get the feeling it's gonna happen later on in real life so I say it out loud and alot of times it does happen like a week or two later. Or I'll be doing something and then get the feeling that the exact scenario will happen again so again I say it out loud and it happens after I forget about it. My best friend is convinced I'm psychic too.

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  • Brownblowout

    Something back?

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  • BobbyTheBear

    and im a genie that grants 3 wishes.

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  • DangerousPotatoGuy

    I've had a few occasions where this happened to me, completely inexplicable. You must be on a whole other level, fairly normal

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