Is it normal that i know when something back will happen?
I'm a very scientifically minded person and yet I have this, well, talent that my friends compare to me being psychic.
Basically a few days ago I was struck with nerves before meeting up with a friend and I knew that something would happen between her and a girl who fell out with us a while ago. I warned her of this and sure enough, later that night, this girl posted a nasty comment on a photo of us. Just yesterday I was going horse riding and I knew that I would fall off. I did just that about ten minutes after saddling up. I also knew from the minute I met someone that the friendship wouldn't last and I have accurately predicted this on four separate occasions. This has been going on for years. I predicted my brother's allergic reaction to penicillin one year and another time I predicted someone's recovery from what seemed like a life threatening illness.
My main question is, is it normal that I have accurately predicted so many different events over the course of my life and that I am doing it with such accuracy?