Is it normal that i like knowing about abnormal myths?

Every time i go to the library i choose a book randomly from a different shelf, and every time i finish the book i realize that they are fiction books. but these books have myths in it about how vampires existed or not or how dead people can come back to live again and i happen to like them which sometimes it makes me want to know more and more because I'm a very curious person and sometimes i imagine how those stories can actually happen in real life and it excites me that they might have been real maybe in the past but that people just want to hide it to everyone or something but then again i realize it can't be true because it's a fiction book. So my question is, is it normal for me to be have an attraction or that i am eager to learn about the dead or other things that are abnormal?

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88% Normal
Based on 42 votes (37 yes)
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Comments ( 14 )
  • dappled

    Yes, it's normal. Humanity has always been fascinated by this and it exists in all cultures. If you've never seen X-Files, I'd recommend it because they got through a whole bunch of them (and made up some new ones too).

    My curiosity isn't usually about the myths themselves but about the psychology which brought about their invention. Sadly, it's not something I know that much about.

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    • Anime7

      I'm right there with you on the whole psychology bit. It would be interesting to see why some monsters act the way they do, and for what purpose.

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      • dappled

        It really would, wouldn't it? I've always thought the alien abduction stuff was a kind of reaction to guilt about us dissecting animals, but I've got nothing to support this. This happens all the time, though (and maybe aliens are just modern mythology). I'd love to get to the bottom of it and also learn a bit about the chupacabra, yeti, bigfoot, loch ness monster. I'd love to know why people needed to make them exist.

        Maybe you and I should tour the world and make a TV programme about it. If it was about the people who generated the monster, I think it'd actually be really interesting. If it was about why they needed it. Or, even, what it said about them if it was a reflection of them.

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        • Anime7

          That's a bit interesting about the alien abduction theory. Do you have any more? Doesn't have to be about aliens.

          Personally, I like to dissect Satan and God. I mean think about the devil, a being who's sole purpose is to cause misery and unhappiness, it sounds bad doesn't it? But you have to think, what would the world be like without misery, could happiness even exist? People wouldn't know how to cope with anything, because at the slightest bit of change we'd all be terrified. We need someone like Satan in this world as we do a God, whether having him as something find solace in when disaster strikes or as a figure to stop Lucipher from overcasting his shadow on man.

          I was actually trying to write a book about this, but I stopped.

          I wish we could communicate with monsters like you said, bigfoot, the loch ness monster. Are they aware that we're looking for them, that they're practically celebrities in American Media. We should tour the world and try to understand what people make of such monsters and try to see their viewpoints of whether their local monster is really pure evil. Actually, why limit ourselves to merely monsters, why not just get a couple of people, around 5 or so, all from different origins, beliefs, and upbringings and give them a topic to discuss and see how their vices differ from one another. It'd be a show about how different or rather the same some people are, even though we may not look it.

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          • dappled

            Ahh, I've got loads but it's all just thoughts and suppositions and personal theories. We've got enough people on IIN presenting that kind of stuff as fact without me adding to it.

            Having said that, I do go on about religion pretty much most of the time I'm in IIN and that's unsupportable too (my feelings, not religion itself, although that too). Religion might be the overarching monster in terms of behaviour modification. Often it's for good, because the people who wrote about it have good in them. Sometimes it's for bad, because the people who wrote it either have bad in them or do badly because of weaknesses we all have.

            One of our weaknesses is an inability to acknowledge our weakness and to blame it on something else. Where there isn't anything tangible to blame it on, it becomes necessary to invent something intangible. Well, either that, or face up to ourselves.

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            • Anime7

              I agree it sort of becomes easy to blame the Devil for your misfortunes when some faults are purely your own. But it good to take solace in that maybe someone is looking out after you.

              On the concept of God I've heard many views concerning the peace that his presence offers people. Karl Marx claimed that believing in God creates lazy people since they have no incentive to improve their lot in life because they will be saved by God. Personally, I think the thought of God is comforting but I don't like religion as a whole. I believe that religious values should form the foundation for your beliefs, but it shouldn't be all of it. Religion breeds followers to an extent. I like the values that it teaches children, but I think that at some point a person has to question if there is a God or not.

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  • DannyKanes

    Then you should google things like Slenderman and The Rake or the Dyatlov Pass incident :)

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  • Brenda02

    i will Google it thank you very much for your help :)

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