Is it normal that i like the disney channel

I'm a 43 year old male. I'm married and I don't have any children. Quite often, I eat my oatmeal for breakfast and I watch the Disney Channel. A lot of those girls really make me horny. I often look them up on the internet to find out how old they are. Is it normal that I'm afraid to masturbate to an under aged girl.

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Comments ( 2 )
  • despuit

    Disney channel is fine to watch, not what I do but hey. Second question I don't really feel horny towards any girl or male or other for that matter by merely looking at them unless I have a mental bond in place so me that is abnormal. As for underage I don't find it pleasing to see young naked girls in that regard, I am not against it oddly enough though society is not there yet. By this I mean people don't really understand sex as a tool, and the people in our society are generally immature.

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  • dirtybirdy

    You're asking two questions here. The answer to both is: you a nasty mofo piece of funky filth.

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