Is it normal that i like the feel of rubbing fabric between my fingers
I have had this strange compulsive urge to 'roll' fabrics in between my fingers since i was a baby. It had gotten so bad when i was a teenager that if i was standing behind a stranger I would reach out and 'roll' part of their coat or t-shirt in my fingers (Weird i know, I got it under control) but even now that i am twenty five i find the urge is stronger then ever especially when i am in an 'idle' mode like standing without moving my hands and i am always doing it without knowing. I even do it to my children's clothes when i am putting them to sleep or falling asleep myself. Is there a professional name for this? I know there are many out there that have this same problem but i wish i could give it its true label. I just love the feel of rolling my khaki pant leg near my shin where there's more fabric or any t-shirt fabric that's rough but smooth. I always thought i was really weird but maybe its more common than i thought