Is it normal that i like the feeling of having to pee?
I like to hold my pee because I like the urge and feeling if it. IIN???
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I like to hold my pee because I like the urge and feeling if it. IIN???
EWWWWWW, no I hate the feeling of not being able to pee. I HATE holding it in! So not normal in my opinion! Lol though, this is quite funny :)
I'm not sure if this is normal or not...but doing it often enough can cause bladder issues later in I'd be careful on doing this as a habit...
I hate having to hold it in too long because it feels as if my bladder is getting harder and harder as if it were going to explode.But I do like the feeling when I piss and my bladder starts deflating like a
What a shame that girls who are into this seem to exist only in the internet. It is rather hot to say the truth! If it turns you on, just play your game with yourself - even if you should need a washing machine in the end. It is one of the topics which in our society is not allowed for approval. But as was said before by someone else: pretty normal!
Um... Your bladder will have infection or problems if you kept on doing that
You should stop that cause I heard if you do that long enough your bladder can explode