Is it normal that i like tickling different parts of my body?
Since I was a kid, I've liked to stroke and tickle different parts of my body. Main parts would be my feet and arms, though I even sometimes tickle the roof of the inside of my mouth and my forehead.
I have developed a kind of routine for each one too. For my arms, I usually start at the top near my hands and work my way up the arm, sometimes after a few seconds of tickling I then scratch that part of the skin and move on. There is a kind of "sweet spot" near both my elbows (but on the inside of my arms) that I like to circle with my fingertip.
With the roof of the inside of my mouth, I tickle and run my fingers around the left side, then the right side, then the centre. This usually gets very intense at the end so I usually finish off by furiously rubbing my tongue all along the roof which kind of scratches the itch. I love the intensity of it.
The most intense of all is the inside of my lips, I do this less often than the others as its slightly too intense, but I sometimes pull my lip down so the inside is exposed and start tickling it, then the top one, which is nearly unbearable but I really enjoy it.
I've tried googling this but never found anyone else who does it, surely there must be other people who do it or some kind of name for it? I get ASMR too and always had no idea what it was until I found a name for it and I now feel much better that I have a name/meaning for it. I like giving myself shoulder and neck massages too. Maybe I'm just into sensory stuff a lot more than average?