Is it normal that i like to (and she likes when) i chew on her hair?

Is it normal that I like chewing on my girlfriend's hair, and that she likes it as well?

I like chewing on my own hair (notably, as a nervous habit when I was younger), and recently I somehow ended up chewing on my girlfriend's. I liked it just as much as chewing on my own, and she liked it too.... is it normal?

Voting Results
31% Normal
Based on 54 votes (17 yes)
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Comments ( 8 )
  • XxDemonicaxX

    oh well if u both like it well ur made for each other

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  • dom180

    Something about this feels very cute, but I'm not really sure why. Loads of people chew their own hair, so go ahead and chew hers if you both like it.

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  • patman21

    There is actually a condition called tricotillomania which involves the obsessive pulling or eating (/chewing) on ones own or another person's hair. DO NOT swallow hair, as it can cause digestive problems and can cause small slices to occur in your esophagus

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  • colourmoon

    omg my bf does that all the time and it drives me crazy.

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  • laVero

    Uh, no...WTH?

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  • Dad

    I don't think its a good idea.
    Girls put a whole range of chemicals in their hair, things like:
    Dye: This chemical would not be good in your stomach, and yes it does wear off hair.
    Hair Spray: The fact that this makes hair hold in place, is enough to give you rigor mortis!
    Shampoo and Conditioner: No not your easy going guy stuff, this is usually top shelf with every chemical they can squeeze in.
    Body Sprays/Perfumes: Yes when girls spray themselves, they spray ALL over!
    Other chemicals picked up in the girls natural life. I hope she doesn't smoke, or walk past any polluted areas like the city, you may need to find out her every step!!

    Not normal and unsafe.

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    • fanandfish

      She doesn't use any of those products (except for shampoo and conditioner in the shower - which are the same ones I use), so I think we're safe. Been chewing my hair forever, and still alive. :) Thanks for the warning, though!

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      • Dad

        Well then I suppose the best advice is to buy one of those 'vitamin enriched' type of shampoo and conditioner.

        By the way, you are likely giving her split ends. Girls/Women look nice when their hair looks nice and healthy, not all chewed up and spat out! :D

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