Is it normal that i like to chat with gamers online?

My friends always say i'am an introvert and don't like to communicate with others.True! i admit that i am. But it is wonder that i prefer to chat with people online. i really enjoy this process. for example, when i play The Wars, i always save time to chat my battle companion in the web game, i feel it is a pleasure thing. especially The Wars opened the online chat system to cater for the communication among players, a amount of my leisure time was spent on chatting in addition to play the web game. so nice! but i wanna ask for help that it is normal that i prefer to chat online rather than chat with true people in life.

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85% Normal
Based on 40 votes (34 yes)
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Comments ( 5 )
  • crazygood

    Im an introvert and I always get nervous talking to people while online on games. However, when I give it a try I usually end up never being able to stfu so yes this is normal. That is what you're supposed to do when you play games!

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  • roothead1

    No, people are supposed to communicate in person, not online.

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  • elasticband

    Nothing wrong with being an introvert and seeking company however suits you best. I spent many years feeling guilty/inadequate about this.

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  • BeeAgent

    I love to talk to people I don't know online! But not in real life I get shy and embarresed!
    (spellning) lol

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  • Yeah I am the same way. I live with my fiance and we both play Team Fortress 2 and I wish she would talk more online though. I play as a Medic most often so I kinda have to tell my team where I am and who I am going to help but she just doesn't. She is often too embarrassed to talk online and flat out won't more often than not.

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