Is it normal that i like to eat paper?

I don't know when it started, but some years back I started chewing on paper. Pretty soon I was eating it. If I don't have food around I'll just rip some paper and eat it. It's strange. It doesn't taste good, well it doesn't have a taste at all, but I just eat it when I have nothing else to chew on. Is it normal, because I get weird looks sometimes.

Voting Results
55% Normal
Based on 130 votes (71 yes)
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Comments ( 11 )
  • Shackleford96

    Eating paper because you want to is not normal. Eating paper because you have a good reason is still not normal, but at least you have a reason. For example: I was writing notes to a girl at school one time and we were passing the paper back and forth, and the teacher caught us and snatched up the paper from her. Well, there was some pretty bad things on that paper, so the teacher turned it in to the principal.

    So, later that day, the inevitable call to the principals office happened. I went to the principals office and she confronted me about the paper. I told her that I didn't remember what I had wrote and could I please see it again? She fell for it. I immediately started ripping up the paper and chewing it up in my mouth. It was rather disgusting, but totally worth it. Mission accomplished. The principal later told me that she had never had anybody pull that one before. I still got In School Suspension as my punishment, but I also saved my ass from a lot more trouble too...

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  • I don't wish to alarm you, but you're turning into a termite.

    So, neither normal nor abnormal.

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  • Ghirahim

    Perfectly normal. Eating paper is healthy and manly.

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    • Missme19

      Yup. Like a boss.

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  • CrystalMoonlight

    Normal... ish. I've eaten paper before for the heck of it, but usually I just chew on it, it's kinda hard to swallow. Derp.

    As long as you don't start eating that paper they make out of elephant poo you should be fine. :)

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  • LethalBurger

    You might want to watch some videos on how paper is made...

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  • emilydoll

    I want to eat some now strange

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  • Teh4HorsMen

    Mmmm, paper... dammit now I'm hungry.

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  • deepfull

    it's not normal. this is known medically as pica and it suggests an iron deficiency. go see a doctor and ask him to check your iron levels.

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  • graphic_nature

    This might end up causing an intestinal blockage in the future. There are people that eat chalk, toilet paper, couch cushions.. none of it is normal or healthy and should be corrected by a behavioral psychologist.

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    • Missme19

      This is what I was afraid about, but thanks for the help. :)

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