Is it normal that i like to roll up lint?

I like to collect tiny lint from my bed sheets and roll them up into a tiny ball. I normally collect them until they are about the size of an eraser on the end of a pencil, then I roll them into a ball or squish them together with my thumb and pointer finger. I throw it away when the lint turns grey in color or becomes hard like a pebble. then I make a new one.

I do it so much that my fingers get a tiny bit raw(don't know if that's the right word for it). balling up lint sort of relaxes me. :( weird, huh?

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36% Normal
Based on 64 votes (23 yes)
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Comments ( 5 )
  • Avant-Garde

    For a second, I thought you rolled it up and smoke it.

    I don't know if it is normal, but at least it give you something to do. It's nice that you find it soothing, but it's not good that it makes your finger raw. Maybe, you should find another soothing hobby:)

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  • unrealjoe

    ii rub my feet together to relaax, its normal

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    • Blue'sClues

      I rub my feet together too lol !

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  • heidiann

    I do this too (although, for me, I like them hard like a pebble!) and have often wondered if anyone else does this! I think it's probably a soothing mechanism ... and possibly related to anxiety. And / or it's just a habit we have carried with us since childhood (like holding a blanket)...I've done this for as long as I can remember and I find it a very difficult habit to break. But because it involves using my hands, it can sometimes interfere with my work and productivity and that's not good.! :/

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  • unrealjoe

    its so relaxing

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