Is it normal that i like to scare my family and friends

I just find a sense of excitement when I scare people I know. I don't do anything major like pretending to be dead, but rather the simple things like creeping up behind them and standing just outside the room the are in without them noticing, using some of their fears for the benefit of me getting 5 seconds to laugh at their hysterical reactions because they get scared so easy. Is it normal?

Voting Results
81% Normal
Based on 31 votes (25 yes)
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Comments ( 9 )
  • My sister and I use to try and scare my grandmother. We were so young we thought my sister could pretend to be dead when she got back from the store. We taped a note to the door and laid a butter knife on my sisters palm with ketchup around it. O....we did this every time she went to the store. Bless my grandmother she played along and would acted shocked and terrified every time. Ah good memories.

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  • bigol'dick

    It's fun to scare people, but not very nice. I guess just don't give anyone a heart attack.

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    • Justnerdyme

      Not even if it a minor heart attack? (0.o)

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      • bigol'dick

        Well, maybe just a minor heart attack.

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  • gloryholeflasher

    That's a good way to get hurt!
    A guy walked into his friends convenience store recently while his friend had his back turned, and announced "this is a robbery!" The friend who had been robbed too many times already, picked up a gun on the shelf in front of him, spun around and fired two rounds into the "robbers" chest before realizing it was his friend playing a joke.
    He won't do that again!

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  • wistfulmaiden

    For some people

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  • Ebolohammeh


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    • Justnerdyme

      Why?????? :(

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  • Thedollcollector8==D

    I think scaring a petite redheaded girl would be fun and arrousing to watch. But only if she shit her pants so i could see her humiliation. Thwn i woild pretend i was black and humiliate myself while i acted like i was a black man.

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