Is it normal that i like to see my underwear in the garbage

Ever since i was young around 9 i would always like to see underwear in the trash at home or maybe i just happen to look in someones can and see a pair or like when my friend went from little girl undies to sexier undies i was there when she tossed them in their kitchen can about 30-40 pair that made my heart miss a beat something about a nice satin pair headed for its doom in the landfill im not sure why i dont get them out of the trash just like knowing they are going to get ruined by the trash truck but its a harmless fetish as it doesnt effect anyone else and im a girl you would think this is a guy thing but i prove different

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30% Normal
Based on 137 votes (41 yes)
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Comments ( 27 )
  • thecoldhardtruth

    That's the longest sentence I've ever read.

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  • Katywompus

    Interesting indeed. Somewhat twisted and adorable

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    • dappled

      Mrs. Wompus! You've become a Katy! I'm confused!

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      • Katywompus

        Well damn it! It didn't occur to me that it was Katy, like katie. I was still pronouncing it the same as I would with the 'c'. Now I'm upset. I may need to change again

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        • dappled

          I've been pronouncing it catty-wompus in my head. I promise I still will, even if you change again. :P

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          • Katywompus

            Ok :) I'll just keep it then

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      • Katywompus

        Ahh! You saw thru my disguise! Hahaha. Hello sir. I somehow got signed out, and I'll be damned if I know the password. I tried a capitol C but that didn't work So I got dressed up :)

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        • dappled

          lol, I used to be someone else here too but I got so drunk one night I forgot not only the password but the username. It's weird. It'd be like me waking up now and forgetting I am dappled. But it happened. I sometimes look at old stories to see if I can find myself again. I don't have the first clue what I'd have even called myself. It's weird to think dappled is second choice, though. I feel like dappled but I'm always aware that I'm really someone else.

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          • Katywompus

            Oh really. Maybe I'll be able to tell. I had one thought, but I'd have to find comments to double check. I was someone else before catywompus, but my phone had a major malfunction on christmas day, 2010 and I got signed out and didn't come back til this summer. I was a cranky brat so it was ok that she died :)

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            • dappled

              Hmm, if I had the patience, I'd go and read all the stories from June 2010 because I must be in there somewhere. And, aww, who did you used to be? I had the strangest feeling this was your second time around because of how quickly you fitted in. Were you someone I used to talk to?

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        • Katywompus

          Is this a little better? I think so

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  • Math

    I'm 7 years late but just found this site haha ! I'm a guy with similar fetish as you and didn't knew before that was possible for a girl to have this :P It's funny how it's seems way more acceptable for a girl to have a weird fetish like that according to comments here :/ I kinda envy you if you can see often underwear's in the trash !! I only seen few when I had a girlfriend. She threw away maybe only 5 pairs in 4 years... And now that I'm back single and that I still want to find more, I recently started to take sometimes bags from my appartment building trash can up to my appartment. I know I can still do it for like 1 month max cause they just finishing a new building next to mine and I won't be able to do it again safely anymore. So far I founded 9 pairs since I started in 2019. I'm already sad to know I won't be able to save anymore from the trash soon. And it's not only about underwear's since I won't go through the laundry basket to find them, it's only about saving them from the garbage truck since it's so beautiful and doesn't belong there.

    Anyway, if you get the notification I would be curious to know if even 7 years later you're still into this and if you finaly decided to save some underwear's from the trash :P

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  • CreamPuffs

    It's not normal, but it's not bad either. You do your thing.

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  • MrPedobeard

    Uhhhhhh... Whatever floats your boat. Fetishes will be fetishes. I dunno if it's normal, tho.

    My fetishes would disgust some of you...

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  • misscrusher

    Wow crazy how my question turns into a reunion forum site glad i could help reconnect you lmao

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    • Katywompus

      Sorry about that.

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  • squirrelgirl

    You have a neat fetish. It's fairly innocent too. I wish my fetish was as neat and innocent as yours.

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    • dappled

      You've hinted at yours a couple of times. It's not so bad, you know. Neat and innocent are overrated, anyway.

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  • MagickWithoutTears

    Reminds me of the time Ii went to the beach with a friend. We got drunk and went skinny dipping late at night. She wound up misplacing her panties. I found them the next morning about a half mile away, partially buried in the sand and under some rocks. Took a pic and sent it to her. It was quite funny!

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  • dappled

    I like this story. Not sure if it's a guy troll or a genuinely different girl but the upshot is the same. It's different and interesting.

    To answer the point, yeah, it's harmless. Do you have any theories as to why you do it?

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    • misscrusher

      No im not a guy troll lol if there was a place for pics i would prove it im just a 19 year old girl i swear im not sure why i do it but i do and i like it

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      • Katywompus

        I think its just adorable. No harm being done. I loved how you worded your story. It was so cute!

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      • dappled

        There is a place for pics (in your profile) but you don't need to do that. I believe you! Yours was the most interesting story I read on IIN yesterday. And it takes a lot to surprise me!

        Anyway, welcome to IIN. Nice to have you here!

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