Is it normal that i like to sniff my dogs breath from time to time?

Sometimes when I pet my dog and pick her up, I like to get a whiff of her breath or smell those black lips that they have. Is that weird O-o

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17% Normal
Based on 23 votes (4 yes)
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Comments ( 9 )
  • dimwitted

    Smacks of weird to me.

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  • Doesnormalmatter

    This is low-key a beastiality post.

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  • WashYaDoggy


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  • Nikclaire

    It's normal to care for your dog. Smelling its breath is a natural instinct to see if it's healthy or not.

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  • Moe_Moe_Kyun

    Is it normal in the sense of "is this something 90% of people normally do" not exactly BUT I think it can be beneficial

    I mean, if your dog ever starts to have one of it's teeth start rotting, some kind of sore in its mouth, or bacterial infection, you'd definitely be the first to know!

    Then your dog can be treated sooner before their teeth start to fall out, and infection spreads, or their gums become swollen and it becomes painful to chew while eating

    You'd also know what foods make their breath smell the worst(if you give your dog human food). For instance, any kind of bread, cereal, crust or cracker type of food can get stuck on their teeth and on/in between their gums(just like it does for humans) but dogs can't just roll their tounges around like humans can to lick all the gunk off of their teeth... So it just stays there unless cleaned away by their owner, wiped away with their paws(though this only works for the outer gums), or wiped away by eating or drinking something else that sends it down the pipes(though this doesn't always work)

    If there's ever build up, you'd definitely notice once you get hit by the smell of it

    Long story short...
    Is it exactly normal? No

    Should it probably be a little more common place for the health of everyones little babies? Yeah probably

    Is there probably a vet cheering for you and your pup somewhere in the world? Could be

    Is there probably a bunch of people out there going "wtf" right now? Without a doubt

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  • Euterpe

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  • cupcake_wants

    I try to avoid smelling my dog's breath, myself.

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  • Uh, yeah...I don't think this person is sniffing Rover for health reasons.

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  • RoseIsabella

    I think it's normal. I sniff my cat's breath, because I want to make sure my little dude is healthy. I also look at his butt, and in his ears. It's important to make sure your dog, or cat is healthy!

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