Is it normal that i like to squeeze my pores?

I like to squeeze that yellowish/white stuff out of just about any pores on my face. When i start it, sometimes its hard to stop, and I leave the bathroom with my face all red and irritated. I've been doing this for about 6-7 years and it feels like a harmful habit...Is this normal? I've heard this is form of self harm?!

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72% Normal
Based on 95 votes (68 yes)
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Comments ( 11 )
  • poor pores

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  • rin

    I literally just did this before logging on. It's kind of fun. XD Bad habit though.

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  • HolyHotPockets

    I like blackheads, and when you squeeze your pore you can see the hole where it once was. I hate popping white heads, I can't seem to do it right and always end up with an under the skin zit, you know the ones, the painful red lump on your face that just seems to go bigger until you squeeze it to blood before any white junk , comes out... but when it does it splatters the mirror... you know what I'm talking about.
    Don't have an acne prob, so it doesn't happen often, black heads will always be on the nose and t zone... no matter the pore minimizing soaps

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  • elmofudd

    I call the white stuff "mashed putatuh's"

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  • LovesUBetter_18

    I do this all the time! I was just wondering the same thing actually. It's addicting...

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  • Ffafarfart

    I do this. It seems like a bad habit, i need to stop. But I also smell my own farts, at least thats harmless.

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  • blackalica

    the average human being touches his or her face 4,000+ times a day. poppin the funny white thingys makes it fun^_^

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  • kellstar79

    I used to do it allll the time and will still squeeze a white one just to get rid of it from my face. I enjoy it but it leaves scares especially in older sun damaged skin

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  • missy18

    I used to do it all the time for years. When I was younger I would lay in bed before I went to sleep and pick the scabs off my face (from acne) because it felt good and was a habit. Very important to stop though, makes scarring and healing a whole heap worse.
    I still do it but not nearly as much, it is common.

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  • AbbyJBoydstun2

    Yeah, a lot of ppl do it. Not too great for ur skin tho

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  • auroraborealis

    In its most extreme form, it is a type of Dermatillomania (Skin Picking). If you feel like you would continue squeezing your pores even to the extent of damaging them, you could have a psychological problem.

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