Is it normal that i like to write poems like this one?

This is a poem that I wrote. Is it normal that I like to write poems like this?
Please comment if you think this poem is well written.

Oh what a life this life can be,
It seems my only thought is how to kill me.
The pain I’d never feel again,
That’s the thing that could have been.

A life without pain I want to know,
But to make that happen I have to go.
Do you think I should I do it fast?
Oh this night will be a total blast.

What’s my plan to make life end,
To my needs you will never tend.
I take the pills that call my name,
Really, I am the only one to blame.

My heart it really starts to race,
I’m so antsy I have to pace.
I start to get really weak,
My life is really looking bleak.

I think the end is coming near,
A lonesome voice is all I hear.
It tells me that my time is done,
And lets me know that I have won.

This life I lived is really gone,
I knew this is what I wanted all along.
I say goodbye to this terrible place,
And this life I don’t want to face.

My sadness will seize to grow,
This is the life I will no longer know.
If you could tell me one last word,
Would it be the thing I’ve never heard?

That you hope I find peace on the other side,
And that you are happy that I no longer hide.
This doesn’t have to be a bad thing,
Think of the happiness it can bring.

Still I say goodbye my friend,
I’m sorry the way this had to end.
Please know that this is not your fault,
Do not put your life on halt.

Forget me for the world will be better,
To see my name in the obituary header.
I am happy where I am now,
Shouldn’t that be all that matters anyhow?

At night I will never cry,
Because to my life I have said bye.
This is such a better way,
To spend each and every day.

Imagine the smile on my face,
And know I’m in a better place.
Death has taken me to where I belong,
A place I hear a happy song.

What a life this life can be,
If there no longer was someone named ME!

Voting Results
53% Normal
Based on 59 votes (31 yes)
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Comments ( 22 )
  • of all the tastes you havent tasted
    of all the things you could have done
    the youth you hold is gone and wasted
    you should be out and having fun
    don't stop too much and think the worst
    nows the time to put YOU first!
    the YOU you know will never hurt you
    this special YOU will not desert you
    so all alone you'll never be
    you're loved you know
    if you could see
    good luck

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    • karmasAbich

      Respect. Bravo, devilla.

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  • Avant-Garde

    Forgive me, because the heart beats so
    In a way that you could never
    understand much less know
    Forgive me, because my heart beats the
    Slower than a snail
    It beats the quietest
    Like snow falling from the skies
    Dissolves quickly, never to be seen again
    My skin is cold like ice
    Not a drop of warmth to be found
    The pulse that last echoed will never
    sound again
    And be forgotten like a memory taken
    hostage by the wind
    The systems in my habitat have
    stopped flourishing
    The buds have fallen off the trees
    And the flowers have wilted
    The maintainers, the workers have all
    run away
    The flora and fauna are gone forever
    My windows are shut tight
    My windows are run down and cracked
    My soul has left and traversed
    My shell was drowning in a lagoon of
    The earth has stored it elsewhere
    Gaia is now one with the shell
    Please, forgive me for not informing you
    I deeply regret it
    Don't look for me anymore
    Keep your love to yourself
    Hold it like a trophy in your heart of red
    Never Forget
    That the one you love is now dead

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  • Suicide dosnt make sense because your gonna die anyway.

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    • sokrazy

      Yes you are going to die anyway but chances are a LONG time from now if you are my age. Sometimes I feel I just don't want to wait that long.

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      • I get you. But i just think of it as "oh well may as well wait that long, see what happens"

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  • suckonthis9

    Are you the Goth Kid?

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    • sokrazy

      I am not goth

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      • suckonthis9

        Watch the world, as time goes by
        Eight Seasons, twice around the sun
        I remember days like these
        I thought that love would never come

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        • Avant-Garde

          That's beautiful.

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  • Riddler

    Is this what you really feel? Since if so you sound suicidal.

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  • nobleserpent

    Sigh. So much emo.

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  • PumpkinKate

    Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem.

    When all those old people complain about how young kids think they're the center of the universe and how they say things like "Mom made me take out the garbage today, I really think I want to commit suicide because my parents don't love me" and generally bemoan the state of self-absorbed youth that wield suicide threats like a gigantic attention-magnet...
    it's because IT'S ALL TRUE.

    You're so young you can't even begin to comprehend the wonders that are in this world. Your pain makes you who you are, and trust me- by the time you're 40, you will look back on this time and think "Oh, how little I knew then of true pain" and the funny thing is? You'll know beyond a shadow of a doubt that it was worth living, and you'll want more. As far as most people know, we only live once. Take advantage of the time you have here, and don't cut it short. Why would you do that? You'll have all eternity to be dead. Right now you've only got this lifetime to be alive and experience the world.

    Go walk on the Great Wall of China, stare at the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel, learn to speak another language, look so deep inside yourself you discover a great truth, master a musical instrument, create a personal piece of art or music, HAVE A KID AND FEEL WHAT IT'S LIKE TO SEE THEM GROW UP, have sex in a rainstorm in a public park with someone you love, stand before the decisions you've made and the chance you gave this amazing life before giving up...

    and THEN contemplate suicide. You haven't earned the right to end your life yet. You've barely tasted it. Stick it out, and I promise you... you're in for one heck of a journey ;)

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    • PumpkinKate

      That might have come across as a bit strong. It's a good poem, and writing can be a really good way to let feelings out :) If it helps you not actually want to kill yourself and was just a bit of writing to express yourself... I apologize. I just get passionate about this subject ^^;;

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      • sokrazy

        I like to write so that I get my feelings out that way instead of a more distructive way. I can't have kids for one because the medication that I take for my many mental disorders is more than likely gonna kill the child and I HAVE TO take them to be able to control myself better. Another reason is I'm very unstable. I love children and wouldn't mind babysiting my neices and nephews but having a child 24/7 would be too stressful for me. I can't even work a full time job let alone raise a child. I can't travel because of a new issue I have developed. And the whole sex in a public place would never happen because I was sexually abused when I was younger and it has given me a fear of having sex. And the part about someone I love, the only guys I have ever been attracted to were male teachers and the male staff at my residental treatment center that I went to when I was 11-14. I KNOW my mom loves me. I don't think my dad loves me. He really doesn't care about any of his kids. He sexually abused my sister (my mom's kid) and at the age of 4-6 my parents were devoriced and he didn't see me or call me despite being 8 miles away. Later when my parents got remarried he told me he was too busy. I was a very difficult child to deal and I was diagnosed with quite a few mental disorders at a young age. One time my dad got so mad at me that he kicked my thigh multiple times. I got up and ran to my room but fell because I couldn't walk on my leg. He followed me but my mom stopped him. When I was at treatment he rarely called or wrote me. Now that I moved out of the house and into town the only time I see him or hear from him is if I call him myself. I'm pretty sure he could care less if he hears from me. My mom on the other hand texts me every day. IDK but I HAVE felt pain and this isn't all of my problems. Not everyone who is young hasn't felt pain yet.

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        • PumpkinKate

          Thank you for sharing about your life, sometimes it's not easy to say things like this, but sometimes it does help to get it off your chest. I hope for you it was the latter.

          We all go through hardships, and sometimes it seems like some of us have to experience more than others, but it's not often the case. Everybody has their story. The overall outcome of these sorts of things is what we choose to make of it. To allow yourself to feel like a victim, to feel like it's "not fair", and to wallow in self-pity... is to give yourself a fate even worse than death. I'm certainly not trying to imply that's what you do, but I think it's good to continue your writing / talking like this to let it come out so it doesn't linger within you and begin to grow rotten.

          A lot of what you said makes it seem like you're 100% certain of what the future holds. Could it be possible that maybe that's not entirely the case? I'm willing to bet that your future as you see it now, and what will actually happen, will be very different. You may not always be on so many medications. Be thankful you even have functioning sex organs. (I for one will never give birth to my own child) Also, of course at your age having your own child 24/7 would be too stressful. It's good that you recognize that, too many unprepared parents have children at too young an age these days. That being said, I wonder how you will feel about having a kid around 24/7 in another 10 years or so?

          You can think whatever you like about love, but as long as you don't violently push away every person you meet - trust me, love WILL find you. You probably won't even be expecting it. It usually comes when we're not actively seeking it out, anyway, it's tricky like that.

          I didn't mean to take away the validity of the pain you have felt so far. I believe you have, everyone has, at any age. All I meant to say is... life is so much more than your memory of being a kid, then a teenager, then a tiny handful of years. Whatever your experiences are now, keep in mind what lies ahead of you is the VAST majority of your life, especially once you consider the time it took to reach intellectual maturity. What is to follow will put this short, short time you have right now into a whole new perspective. It will be like looking at things through a whole new lens, after you've gone out and lived your life and discovered who you are.

          Have you ever had a memory of being a tiny kid and thinking a certain slide / monkey bars / diving board was the HUGEST thing in the world, and gone back years later and realized just how small it was? It's kind of like that. Hang in there, the best is yet to come.

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    • so good

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  • Avant-Garde

    I love this and I can relate to it very well.

    I write about allot of things to do with this. Most of my recent poems seem to pool around the subject of death, like a magnet.

    It's very normal. You're very talented and I wish I could write something like this:)
    I would love to read more of you poems:)

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  • SillyKitty55

    omg i just kept laughing.
    its good but funny as heck.

    then i scrolled down and read the comment "are you gothic?" and i laughed even harder.

    why are you so depressed? lol

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  • Anime7

    I read this while listening to Moonlight Sonata by Beethoven. I don't know if it's because of the music but your poetry is very beautiful. Grim yes; but it contains salvation and happiness towards the end. However, as beautiful as it was, I must ask, what has got you so depressed? I'm here to listen to any problems you have and be understanding.

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  • jessicababy33

    That was very grim and it kinda scares me for you. I hope you don't truly feel that way. Life is such a astonishing thing! I think your okay of you don't think that way. I believe Edgar Allen Poe had a reason to write deep and bloodcurdling

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  • Well, that was depressing.

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