Is it normal that i like yiffing and being a furry

just a few months a ago i found out about yiffing and furries, regular porn never did it for me and ive always loved animals and ive always wanted to be one in a way, and then a few months ago, i saw got mozilla firefox, and i saw this girl in a mozilla firefox costume, so i put in mozilla firefox girl porn and a list of wierd fetishes came up, and there i found plushophilia or however you spell it and furries, i fell in love with both, i went to so furry, yiff gallery and so on,im mostly attracted to dragons and lombaxes, not ratchet, just lombaxes, im still kind of confused about the hole thing, can i get some serious feedback, thanks

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74% Normal
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Comments ( 2 )
  • VikingWolf

    Yes you are normal.
    Everyone has something that "trips their trigger." Your trigger gets tripped to yiff and furry stuff. What I think the real question that everyone asks when they ask this, is not "Am I weird?" but really it is a question, "Am I immoral?"
    There are thing which are and are not immoral. Now I think so many get confused with furries because they look like stuffed animals or animals.

    To some stuffed animals are taboo because they are given to children and infants and that should remain as innocent and pure as the wind-driven snow. I have to agree to some degree; as it pertains to children it should remain so; however I also have to say there is an appropriate time and place. Knowing those two things is the best virtue to have with this whole situation. It is considered taboo because children trust the image and we don't want children exposed to anything that isn't innocent.

    Animals as sex symbols is not really acceptable either. This is where people's conflations with bestiality come in.
    Most of what I think furries fear is polite society condemning them for perverts. There is an easy way to avoid this. Don't volunteer the information, wait to be asked. Don't spill you guts and tell everything about it to others, it is okay to keep some secrets. You can be yourself and still be friendly with others. It doesn't betray who you are, it is being diplomatic.

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  • midnightwolf215

    you are more interested in the sexual aspect of furries then as the furry fandom is not all about yiff and porn and has no relation yo bestiality as people tend to assume i am a furry but i have very little interest in the sexual side of it i will appreciate the artwork wether it is pg or mature but it ha very little if not no sexual attraction to me but i have always been interested in anthro and have on many occasions wondeered what it would be like to become anthro like my fursona

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