Is it normal that i look at my shots when im at the hospital?

I don't have any fears about any of my bodily fluids coming out of my body, but whenever Im scheduled for immunizations, or drawing blood, and they're about to give me the shot; the doctor asks,"Do you want to look away?"

Out of fear, I want to look away, but out of curiosity I want to know how they actually do it and if they fuck up, I can recelect what happened. Most of the shots Ive had, never hurt and when they've drawn blood I get a tingling felling all through my body, like a state of shock.

Is this normal? I can look at needles going into my body..........

Voting Results
87% Normal
Based on 45 votes (39 yes)
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Comments ( 11 )
  • dirtybirdy

    I always watch.

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  • mia_streeter

    Well my mom says to look away and it won't hurt as much!! Just try the next time and see if it is ok!! They never mess up on me so just for get about that and just be really calm!!!

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  • Atrocia

    I always look too.

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  • LadySimplicia

    Wow. I can never look. If I look, I'll faint. Plus, I'm too small to give blood.

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  • IDiGAFi

    I always felt like they should give you the option to be instructed on how to do it and then do it for yourself. I'd be much more comfortable that way. I know it's not for everybody, and many would fuck it all up, but I in my case in particular, but it feels so wrong not to be even given that chance because of them.

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  • kelili

    I never watch.

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  • MysterionFrance

    I actually try to give them to myself as soon as the doctor looks away
    Been like that for years. Those people always seem to mess up hitting my veins. I mess up pulling out the needles...

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  • I tend to look away briefly then look back out of habit, but its not that bad looking at it as it doesn't go in that far...had most types of injections...general blood, anesthetic, epidural...epidural was on my back and also sedated was rather painful but he was doing it on my spine...most annoying injection was one in my tummy for blood clotting after an operation, I watched it done and there it one of the smallest needles and syringe, was over in a couple of seconds but boy that that needle packed a punch of pain! :)

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  • Anime7

    I think it's normal, sometimes it doesn't hurt and that can feel interesting, practically being stabbed but not feeling a lot of pain. I recently got some blood drawn and it was weird seeing the blood squirt into the capsule of the syringe. I thought the blood would just pour itself into it, but no it literally just kept splashing itself into the capsule. For anybody who is blood phobic, I apologize for the imagery. But ya I think you're normal.

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    • catdogman

      Ian a phlebotomist blood taker the blood comes out that way because there is a vaccum in the tubes. Otherwise it would just run out slowly just thought u might like to know how that works

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      • Anime7

        That's pretty interesting to know. Thanks for the knowledge

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