Is it normal that i look at myself in third person?

Ever since I was little and read a book about a girl sharing my name, I've kinda been narrating my life. I feel like I'm in a movie, like there's always someone watching me, judging everything I do. Even when I cry I wonder if I'm being dramatic enough, feeling like if I'm not, the audience will not see how sad I am.

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51% Normal
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Comments ( 4 )
  • shuggy-chan

    "Then why wasn't this written in 3rd person?" Asked the smart-ass

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  • likeseriouslythough

    no, that just means you might have an undiscovered talent for writing fictional novels, or descriptive biographies and historical events.

    Find yourself dude.

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  • thegypsysailor

    And how do you look?

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  • Koda

    This sounds like an incredibly prolonged period of dissociation. Congrats, you're nuts! Kidding... or am I?

    IAST, sometimes I have these kinds of thoughts. I think it started for me after I became paranoid that all my dead relatives were judging me from heaven. I started to feel sort of like I was on TV like you.

    Sometimes I have the same sort of "out of body" experiences, where I experience my own behaviours as a separate outsider, and judge myself for them. I often hear my own voice as if it's coming from another person, and I'm keenly aware of my own body language and involuntary movements. Sometimes when I'm really upset I actually imagine dramatic background music. I think I feel sympathy for myself in the same way I feel it for others, as if I'm not really living within my own body.

    Sometimes I will also narrate my own life in my head during stressful moments. It seems to calm me down. I don't think we're nuts, but I do think we experience consciousness a little differently than others. Maybe we're just more open-minded and think more creatively? Otherwise, we're batty :)

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