Is it normal that i lost interest in music? sometimes comes back

Music has been the most importang thing for me for most of my life (I m 32). I like almost all genres from classic to hardcore to blues jazz japanese music garage... I mean I also have a big knowledge, but, since something like 3-4 years I lost interest in it.
When I hear even my favourite artists I can not feel anything. So after a while I am disappointed and I turn it off. Sometimes it looks like is coming back... but it lasts just a couple of days then i get the same feeling like "....eehwa boring"

The only thing I can think is that I had a period I was having really good job and money so I was like going to all the concerts and parties and festivals I wanted and then... is possible I kinda overdosed myself with it? Like when you eat so much of the same thing that you' re done with it?

I mean I am curious to know if there are people who experienced this as well. I underline I was really fond of music, is not like I always liked it so so.

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Comments ( 2 )
  • SherlockHolmes

    Sometimes you just need to give a break, stay away from the radio or cellphone for a bit and listen to ambiental sounds or appreciate the silence.
    When I'm tired of listening to music,I lock myself in my bedroom and open the windows to enjoy the sound of the wind blowing the leafs of the trees,or the cars passing by, or even the silence when everything it's utterly calm.

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  • radioguy22

    i am an avid music fan, from 60's pop to drum and bass etc. i do go through phases however where just like you, i'm just not in the mood, or i turn off the music barely 20 mins after turning on the hifi. try hitting upon different music genres, you may find something you like. ive always liked reggae, mainly for the bass, then i discovered 4x4 bassline, which although some of the lyrics might not be much good, the bass is awesome, so for me a new musical genre was born. give it a try!

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