Is it normal that i love animals but other animal lovers annoy me?

I am personally an animal lover: I believe that they deserve respect and that abusers should incur severe punishment. However, when I see the animal rights activism today, it just makes me lose faith in humanity. It seems like it has turned into some cesspool of borderline animal worship, human shunning, racism, etc. There was even a page that compared animal abuse to child abuse and one of the answers said something like "some children deserve to be abused no animal does" and it was one of the highest rated opinions. There was also someone who told me about someone running over her child just to save her cat. There was also someone on YouTube who said that he would rather kill his whole family than let his dog die. On a lesser scale, people whine about dogs suffering when dyed with safe dye when they can't even see themselves, let alone their fur colours, and look very happy after the dye procedure. And the list goes on...

I do love animals, and I think all life, regardless of animal or humans, should be treated with respect. However, looking at many of these animal lovers and self-proclaimed "animal rights activists" just ticks me off. Is this normal to feel this way?

P.S. I know most (97% at the very least) animal lovers wouldn't go this far, but it's disturbing how many people think like this.

Voting Results
82% Normal
Based on 143 votes (117 yes)
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Comments ( 9 )
  • NeuroNeptunian

    I myself love animals and I have friends that love animals in ways that disturb me. They take in literally every stray animal and spend money that they barely have on them rather than on their own children, whose homes are horrible unsanitary and present health hazards to their kids. My fictive brother's Mom was willing to take her and her son to live in a tent to keep the 10+ dogs that she had rather than have to give some of them away for a place to live.

    When people put the welfare of animals over the welfare of people, their children, etc. Or let their animals harm themselves and others, it bugs me.

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  • KeddersPrincess

    Yeah; I know exactly what you mean. I feel the same way.

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  • Shackleford96

    Yes, the extremists animal activists bother me. It's getting quite ridiculous.

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  • Terence_the_viking

    you animalist terrorist

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  • positive1#2

    I know! It's just horrifying to me how some people, who are sacrificing SO much for animals and their protection, can be so insensitive toward human suffering and are even able to justify it as a form of punishment or revenge. There is certainly a lot of good in those kind of people, obviously there is or else they wouldn't unselfishly waste their lives on helping animals, but a small number of them, who I had the chance to see online or meet, are simply horrible when it comes to dealing with other humans and if I had a child I probably wouldn't even let it go near them.

    Then again some other people I know, also animal protection activists, are like saints and role-models who would make this world generally a much better place if they were only larger in numbers.

    Any generalization one makes is obviously false, but reading your question I was like "yes I totally know the type" and those kind of people definitely piss me off too:/

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  • Legion

    I agree with you, OP. the extremists are annoying

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  • dappled

    I think the opinions you've read are from people who are trying to make animal rights activists look bad. This kind of thing goes on all the time. If you think someone has a valid point, pretend to be one of them and make them look stupid, morally corrupt, whatever. It's just propaganda for the most part.

    There are some animal rights activists that take it too far, though (I know one). There is extremism in any belief.

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  • bananaface

    Well the examples you mentioned are very dramatic, and I would agree that they are over the top. Both child abuse and animal abuse top my list of things which anger/upset me, and both get very strong reactions from me. But like I said, those examples are of people who are being ridiculous. Killing your family? Seriously?

    I don't believe those examples portray people who love animals accurately. You're looking at a very small percentage of them, which is important to remember. I love animals but I would never condone child abuse, etc. And I don't think most people would.

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    • Of course I know most animal lovers wouldn't do that. But the fact that even a significant vocal portion would is disturbing to me.

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