Is it normal that i love/hate my cat?

Alright, I have a tabby cat, boy, name is ringo, he is my boyfriends cat, and I moved in with him a while ago, I loved ringo for a bit cuz he was so cuddly, then we moved and everything changed (moved a long ass time ago so i know it is not because of the move)
He will play games with my boyfriend all the time and be all exited and do The Matrix moves off the walls, but when it is just me he just hides in corners until he wants food or attention. He is just so incredibly boring! it is like I do not even have a cat (until he wants dinner)
And he is one of those "I'm better than you" cats and i just hate him now! Now he is doing this thing when ever he poops he wipes his ass on any carpeted item in the house and it pisses me off! I know everytime he does it cuz it smell like rancid ass in the house. we checked him out, no worms no freakin anal gland problem..and it doesent help at all that i have asthmetic allergies to cats, and I want to tell my boyfriend I FUCKING HATE YOUR CAT! haha but he loves him to death! i have contemplated like..SOO many times to just "accidently" throwing his ass outside and let that be that (inside cat)
but there is a VERY rare chance he ever plays with me and that is when i feel i bond with him the most, and that is all i want in a pet, bonding and love, I can never get that with is it normal to feel like this?
I wanted a pet so bad, i wanted a dog, but he already had a cat, so now im stuck with his obese fucking cat for 9 months while he is in afghanistan >:(
and his cat is the biggest pussy you will ever meet! he is scared shitless of anyone new, once he hears a noise, instead of investigating what that noise was like a normal cat, he runs and hides all fucking day and night just to make sure that "scary noise" is gone, or when i dropped a piece of paper on him, PAPER! i did not see him for two freakin days!! he was hiding in the cupboards above the refrigerator too scared to come out! what is wrong with my cat? and is there ANY way that he and i can ever have a bond like my boyfriend has a bond with him?????????

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Comments ( 14 )
  • squeallikeasacofpigs

    Too long - Fake and gay

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    • then don't read or post on here if you complain about a few paragraphs (which is pretty sad)

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      • 1000yrVampireKing

        Maybe you should not have hooked up with someone with a cat. Try a boyfriend who has a dog. Pets are part of the package. Wrong to make a boy choose between you and his pet.

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      • 1000yrVampireKing

        You obviously do not understand how cats act. Most cats are very skittish and keep to themselves. Also known for being very snobby. Some of very friendly but they have to be raised that way. Some are friendly but only to the owner who took care of them. Yes they do often hide when guest come over if they are very anti social. That is how cats are. Why some people prefer dogs. So if you honestly do not see this as normal you do not understand how cats act. A cat is not the type of pet for you. Try getting a puppy so you could have a dog and he can have your cat. If you raise them together the dog is not suppose to eat the cat.

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      • 1000yrVampireKing

        It seems fake as you say "Doing matrix moves off the wall". Either you are lying or exaggerating.

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  • oliveyou

    I love and hate my cat all at the same time, I think it's normal. I didn't read your extremely long post though

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  • They don't have personality or character of any sort (unlike dogs that are basically people.)

    People who own cats are similar. Just kill it and feed it to a poor starving dog.

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    • Better yet,set the little bitch/bastard on fire,that may help.

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    • thischick1234

      I have to say, that is not a bad idea..I love dogs SOO much more than cats..cats are just annoying and only love you when they want food..

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      • Very true!

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  • Zippy

    If he was found on the streets, then maybe he's a little bit feral. He grew up in an environment where he had to be afraid, on the look out for prey and predators. Chances are that he hasn't shaken of this mentality, and maybe he never will. If he wasn't socialized with humans when he was young, then it makes sense that he was only able to bond well with one. Sounds to me like you might have to find a way to simply be at peace with him;it may never progress further than that, but who knows.

    Unfortunately, cats don't understand punishment in the same way that dogs do. Cats will stop doing something because they associate it with a negative outcome(and after a while they might start doing it again anyways.); dogs stop doing things because of that and because they know it upsets their "alpha". Cats have little concept of an alpha it seems like, except amongst other cats. So sometimes punishing a cat can create a dent in the trust, especially in one as skittish as Ringo. This is why using scented sprays on household items may be a better form of "punishment", because the cat doesn't know it's you. Since the vinegar solution didn't work, I'd recommend trying a store bought one. Maybe you could also get a high pitched whistle? That might freak him out though, I don't know.

    Cats are creatures of habit. They are very resistant to change, and they like to do as they please because they see no authority. By the way, do you like moving around furniture alot? Some cats hate this, and it can create some of the problems you described because the cat becomes stressed. For a cat change=bad. Also, an alternative to catnip is honeysuckle. My cat also adores mint for some reason. And the live crickets is a really good idea, my cat loves chasing them around too.

    Um, sorry for the novel, lol. But I hope maybe I helped some. It seems like cats can be impossible at times, so hopefully something will help eventually.

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    • thischick1234

      i got to try the mint thing, very curious, no, we dont move our furniture around at all. and he got along with everyone until we moved, that is why i am so confused, but you have helped alot ^_^
      i do have to keep punishing him though, im not guna let our cat be a spoiled brat :P so, i have to be okay with his attitude towards me for right now. thank you so much for the helpful hints :)

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  • Zippy

    Sounds like you really hate that cat. Maybe he's picking up on that and that's what makes him afraid of you? Do you ever yell at him? Frighten him to make him stop doing something that's wrong in an attempt to train him? If he's such a fraidy cat, try to make sure that he feels like he's in a very safe environment.

    All I can advise is that you be very patient and try to bond with him. Try wiggling a string in front of him to get him to play with. Bring big paper bags home from the grocery store for him play in(No cat I have ever met can resist hiding in new boxes and bags, they LOVE them.) Get him a catnip plant or a catnip toy. Start buying him some treats. When he notices you doing all these nice things for him, he's bound to like you more after a while. Again, patience is key.

    I understand wanting to talk to your boyfriend about this, but his cat is like family to him. He isn't going to want to give him up or turn him into an outdoor cat if he feels like it's unsafe. Best thing you can do is try to make the best of things.

    About his potty problem...There's certain citrus scented sprays you can buy that will make him not want to mess with certain things. Buy it and spray it on all items in the house that you don't want him to wipe his butt on. Do not, however, spray it on him as punishment. I'm not sure if this is true, but I once heard that this can be painful for them. Good luck getting a long with the cat!

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    • thischick1234

      no, I don't ever yell at him because I am afraid if i do he will hate me even more :/ I try to play with him, i have a squeeky mouse on a string, i roam around the house with it to get himm to chase it, i even put it really close to him, but it's like he see's a ghost when I do that because he runs as fast as he can into the bathroom for a while till the toy is put away. I have a box for him that he used to enjoy sleeping in all the time, until we moved, now he hates boxes too. and cat nip doesent do anything for him, he sniffs it then walks away, the only thing that has worked for getting him active is buying live crickets at the pet store so he can hunt them, he cannot sleep till they are all found haha, it's really cute actually.
      And it's not so much I WANT to get rid of him, I just really want that human pet bond, that is why everyone gets a pet in the first place yes? and I tried using 50% water and 50% vineger (doesent smell at all) on the carpets, normally it works, but he has gotten past that and continues to wipe his ass as he pleases, ringo shows no effect when we spray him, we dont like him being on the table and we spray him multiple times, he just sits there and takes it, we used a full bottle of water on him one day to see how much it ticked him off, the next morning he chewed thru the spray bottle. he has no effect on spray bottles at all, sometimes i flick him on the nose (lightly) and snap my fingers (he hates that!) therefore, he hates me for punishing him, my other half found ringo on the streets and he lets him get away with anything and everything, that is why i think he loves him but hates me. Hence the "im better than you" cat.

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