Is it normal that i love/hate my cat?
Alright, I have a tabby cat, boy, name is ringo, he is my boyfriends cat, and I moved in with him a while ago, I loved ringo for a bit cuz he was so cuddly, then we moved and everything changed (moved a long ass time ago so i know it is not because of the move)
He will play games with my boyfriend all the time and be all exited and do The Matrix moves off the walls, but when it is just me he just hides in corners until he wants food or attention. He is just so incredibly boring! it is like I do not even have a cat (until he wants dinner)
And he is one of those "I'm better than you" cats and i just hate him now! Now he is doing this thing when ever he poops he wipes his ass on any carpeted item in the house and it pisses me off! I know everytime he does it cuz it smell like rancid ass in the house. we checked him out, no worms no freakin anal gland problem..and it doesent help at all that i have asthmetic allergies to cats, and I want to tell my boyfriend I FUCKING HATE YOUR CAT! haha but he loves him to death! i have contemplated like..SOO many times to just "accidently" throwing his ass outside and let that be that (inside cat)
but there is a VERY rare chance he ever plays with me and that is when i feel i bond with him the most, and that is all i want in a pet, bonding and love, I can never get that with is it normal to feel like this?
I wanted a pet so bad, i wanted a dog, but he already had a cat, so now im stuck with his obese fucking cat for 9 months while he is in afghanistan >:(
and his cat is the biggest pussy you will ever meet! he is scared shitless of anyone new, once he hears a noise, instead of investigating what that noise was like a normal cat, he runs and hides all fucking day and night just to make sure that "scary noise" is gone, or when i dropped a piece of paper on him, PAPER! i did not see him for two freakin days!! he was hiding in the cupboards above the refrigerator too scared to come out! what is wrong with my cat? and is there ANY way that he and i can ever have a bond like my boyfriend has a bond with him?????????