Is it normal that i love this website
I love reading about other peoples issuse with nomality and I love asking about my own normality. I just discovered this website a few days ago and it is now my favorite website. Is this normal?
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I love reading about other peoples issuse with nomality and I love asking about my own normality. I just discovered this website a few days ago and it is now my favorite website. Is this normal?
i'm seriously addicted to this site! some posts interest me, and some i can relate to. and there's some i crack up at! and i can say anything and be totally honest, because even if anybody i know is reading this, they don't know it's me lol.
This site is awsome and kellstar your a creeper, you should probobly take a break from it for a while
I love it!! I'm addicted!! I'm on it every morning, work break, afternoon/nite. Every chance I get! I paid $1.19 for it and didn't know it's a website till I googled it but I don't care, it's awesome!
Your normal :)
I had to buy this app for 99 cents. I didn't even know it was a a website.