Is it normal that i love to eat sponges?

And no, that's not cakey-sponge.
Like natural, material-like sponge.

I don't go for dish cleaners or anything, they tend to be made of less pleasant stuff. But say your average bath sponge. I just love the stuff.

I used to chew on it and that was all, here and there when available. Recently though, I've started to nibble tiny bits off so I can chew the sponge and then and swallow it.

I keep one in my room so if I get the urge, i can go tear a bit off and nibble away...

And I don't know what it is about it; the texture, maybe? It's probably not doing a whole lot of good for my body, but it's like i'm addicted now.

Thankfully though, with all the missing sponges in the house, i've still managed to keep it a secret from the flatmates.

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Comments ( 22 )
  • Shrunk

    you make it sound so good now i want to taste a sponge o.o

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  • YeahSureOk


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  • isaactaruma23

    well im sorry, but i prefer on eat Mr. Krab..

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  • spacerandy

    Wtf, no. I say the biggest problem with your habit is the relatively high risk of having an intestinal obstruction, which can get quite dangerous, and usually requires surgical measures. A sponge's very nature is to absorb water and swell up, and due to the fact that your stomach probably can't fully break it down, it can clog your intestines.
    It can be a very slow, painful, horrible death. Stop it.

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  • CountryRoads


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  • Who_Fan4Life

    Well, you'll be able to retain water easier?

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  • kitty_patrol

    No!! A) it's bad for you B) your ruining spongebob's chances of finding his soulmate!!!! How would you like it if I ate your gf/bf?!

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  • lifelonglie

    I want to hug u

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  • Antir0b0t

    Go on that show "strange addictions". I saw a lady on there who was addicted to eating drywall. Yup, she'd punch a hole in her fucking wall, and EAT IT.
    So basically, stop eating sponges and eat food instead.

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  • All_Fired_Up

    But, but sponges that you buy
    Are made of digestable materials (the yummy

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  • hellostrangers

    You must never defecate, feeling a tad BOUND lately?

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  • Pendletongurl

    Ok first off, you are nibbling on the sponge, and breaking pieces off then consuming it. The human body does eventually eliminate what it can't absorb, but eating large quantities of natural sponge wouldn't be recommended. It does sound like you may be lacking a mineral or vitamin that may be in the sea sponges. If that is safe to assume that you are eating. If you are experiencing discomfort from it physically, talk to a doctor and see what they recommend. You also might try chewing on something else a little more friendly to your digestive system, that is similiar to the sponge.

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  • lil

    Nooooo!!!! Sponges expand!! Do you want expanding sponges in your tummy??? People with eating disorders eat tissue to feel full so they don't eat, sponges would be worse!! Very bad!!!

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  • twentynine29

    I saw online that TLC is looking for people for the new season of My Strange Addiction. You sound perfect for them.

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  • Yum....?

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  • rayst

    Hahahaha this is hilarious! Dont drink too much water after eating sponges!

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  • CountryRoads

    Princess- you're right. Pregnant women crave chalk sometimes, too. But the sponges have to be natural- the only thing I can think of is the CaCO3 in the chalk...and maybe the calcareous sponges? Its like your body is lacking a mineral that it wants, which is why women crave fish (iodine).

    But synthetic sponges is most likely what you're eating... Which is gross.

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    • dappled

      Aww, not only do you know the formula for calcium carbonate, you did the proper subscript thing on the 3. You're officially my new favourite person!

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  • princess22

    Iv read about a pregnant woman who craved sponges. Apparently if u eat natural sponges then it's not too bad for you, but only like 1 a week. I wud do some more research about it all though..

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    You must have nice hugs

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  • iamthewalrus

    you have no idea what chemicals are put into the sponges you eat.

    if you die at a young age,
    and no one knows wtf happened...

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