Is it normal that i love to eat sponges?
And no, that's not cakey-sponge.
Like natural, material-like sponge.
I don't go for dish cleaners or anything, they tend to be made of less pleasant stuff. But say your average bath sponge. I just love the stuff.
I used to chew on it and that was all, here and there when available. Recently though, I've started to nibble tiny bits off so I can chew the sponge and then and swallow it.
I keep one in my room so if I get the urge, i can go tear a bit off and nibble away...
And I don't know what it is about it; the texture, maybe? It's probably not doing a whole lot of good for my body, but it's like i'm addicted now.
Thankfully though, with all the missing sponges in the house, i've still managed to keep it a secret from the flatmates.