Is it normal that i'm 20 and hate facebook
Everyone has a fb but I think it's lame. Also don't like myspace Twitter etc. Tired of it!!
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Everyone has a fb but I think it's lame. Also don't like myspace Twitter etc. Tired of it!!
Hey you should make a facebook group about this.
Seriously though, I hate it too.
I have a Facebook and I continually check it even though I really couldn't care less about what everyone I went to high school with is up to and what angsty, immature groups people are always joining. The only reason I still check it is because I moved out of state and there are people I want to keep in touch with. God I hate Facebook. Especially now that people are tweeting via Facebook. I hate Twitter even more.
Im 18 and I dont like Facebook but I have it for the sake of my friends. I prefer Tumblr and some funny website like 9gag
I do not have a Facebook either and I am 20. I do not find any use for it at all. People find it strange when they ask me if I have a FB and I say no. It is as if they assume I have one and are simply wanting my approval for them to send me a friend request.
I lost the love of my life to Facebook. Facebook is a disease. Wonder what's taking CDC so long to get rid of this shit.
To whom it may concern; Fuck You Facebook!
Facebook is pretty shitty, it's only good if you want to keep in contact with those you care about or friends. But you could just pick up the phone and give someone a call or send a text if you have a mobile phone.
Same here and I'm 22 (and computer programmer), I stay away from Facebook like if it was plague.
I don't really care who people are dating or what people are wearing to prom lol. If they're my friends I'll know who they're dating. Trivial stuff IMO
i like it. i am 18 and so i like knowing everything about all of my friends from middle school, high school, and college. like who their dating, who their friends with, what they wore to prom, where they go to college. i cant call them all everyday
never used it n thought much of it, only cuz u have other interests n dislikes doesnt mean its not normal lol
Also, I wrote on my FB IF ANY ONE POSTS ANYTHING WITHOUT MY PERMISSION FIRST.... I WILL DELETE U! So far had to delete my sister and 1 friend. U bet ur ass I deleted them!
I'm 35 and hate it. Boring ... If I want to know what u r up to I'll call u. Ps.... Don't care what u r doing right now... I origionally got FB. to keep in touch with 1 person who moved to Europe. Also, I think some of the old friend I had .,, need to stay in the past.
Same. I do have a facebook, but I never go on it anymore. Very tired of it all.