Is it normal that i'm 18 and i have a slight crush on a 10 year old?

So I'm 18, but I work with kids and there's this really nice kid(cute too kind of),who's 10 and I'm always kind of flirting with him. I like holding his hand, telling him I miss him and stuff. He has a crush on Selena Gomez and I really just want him to have a crush on me. I don't want to date him or anything, I just like having the attention. I like when he hugs me and stuff. Is that normal?

Voting Results
32% Normal
Based on 858 votes (278 yes)
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Comments ( 38 )
  • shadowdancer24

    That shit isn't cute. I have three young brothers, one of them is 11 and if I heard that some 18 year old girl was acting like this I'd kick her ass. Just because you can't pull a dude your age you need to go pray on little kids. So just remember when youre posting your comments about how it's cute and innocent, shit like this can grow out of control.

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    • Lockets

      18 is an adult in the UK which makes this story already out of control...

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    • MrDraper

      Thank you, why are people being nice. Shes approaching adulthood and she likes a little boy, this is so very wrong. I cant fatthem whats going on in her mind.

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      • shadowdancer24

        It makes me so sick, if this was a older man talking about a 10 year old girl the comments would be so much different. Just because she's a female people think there isn'tany harm. I don't care if you are male or female this shit is sick and twisted. It's not cute or innocent and has nothing to do with motherly instinct, it's perverted. she has to be absolutely stupid to think this is OK or normal in anyway.

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  • Lockets

    You should question whether or not you are a suitable person to be working with kids. Sorry if that sounds harsh but there are certain stories of female adults who abuse children/the trust of children for their own gain, sexual or otherwise.
    This 'story' creeped me out a lot.
    You say ' I don't want to date him or anything'...heck, why would you ever put those words together in a sentence??? He's just 10 years old!
    If a grown woman of 18 was saying these things about my own cute 9 year old nephew, I would be physically sick.

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  • FruityGoofyFaggot

    You want him to crush on you back? You probably would have acted in it too you disgusting pedophilic dick lick. Never breed, woman! NEVER BREED!

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    • anti-hero

      Wow, I actually have to agree with someone named Fruity Goofy Faggot.

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  • Cuntsiclestick

    Your crush on him is wrong. Flirting with him is wrong. Wishing he had a crush on you back is wrong.

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    • anti-hero

      If the genders were swapped the OP would already be in jail.

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  • alv1592

    It's nice that you've bonded with him, but why do you want him to have a crush on you? Sounds unusual to me. I mean, don't you want a guy your age to like you?

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  • Selena Gomez is very rapetastic.

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  • bethhunt188

    It's normal. I met my current boyfriend when I was 11 and he was 19. He was actually my babysitter. Don't worry- it wasn't gross. I didn't start dating him till I was 13 and he was 21 so it was TOTALLY normal. Turned out ok for me. Lol jk. You're a fuckin creeper

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    • keeping_up_with_da_kids

      I like what you did their with the post.

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    • CreamPuffs

      I was about to thumbs down the hell out of your post with multiple accounts, but then I read the last part lol.

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  • GoddessCirce

    Honestly, if a person is no longer pre-pubescent, they aren't children. America babies people until they are well into their prime. It's normal to have an attraction to someone who has started to produce hormones..which is at a different age for everyone. Males mature slower than females..but you have to take into account their emotional, and mental maturity. With that in mind, you should wait until he's a bit more mature until you act on anything. Just look out for him plantonically. That being said, I don't think you actually like sounds to me like you just want to be attractive, and admired by boys of all ages.

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  • TerryVie

    If you are merely bonding to the child, then thats nice, normal, and cute.
    I'll just assume from your description that there's nothing more than what you wrote.
    Basically, to me, it sounds like he's kind of like a nephew to you?
    You may want to cut back on the flirting though, that could give people a wrong impression. Also, make sure you don't favor him over the other kids. It's part of your job to treat them equal, i'd reckon.

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  • It is wrong. In my opinion, someone like that shouldn't be working with children.

    Gender issue involved:
    If anyone tries to justify this, I am simply amazed. We all know how the comments would be if a male that was working with children had a crush on a ten year old.

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    • ACTUALLY, judging from my experience with this site, if the kid were a female I can assure you that the normalcy rating would be at least somewhat higher. Don't ask me why. This place is fucking full of weirdos.

      Now to the OP: I can't say for sure how "normal" it is. If you just think he's cute and cool, then I suppose that's normal enough. But, well.....just what do you mean by "flirting"?

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  • Dad

    You are jealous of a 10yo who has a crush on a celebrity and not you?

    Solution: Become a celebrity.

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    • CreamPuffs

      Some dad you are, giving advice like that.

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  • Aruveia

    I'm not going to say that this is normal; because if it is a legitimate crush (romantic/sexual) towards a child who likely hasn't hit puberty, you should probably seek some sort of help, because, no, that is far from normal.
    However, you may be labeling this as something it is indeed not.
    When women reach adulthood, or even sometimes puberty; they may take an affinity to children/ a child that they see as vulnerable and in need of a parent. In other words, it may just be motherly love; and you're confusing it for a romantic feeling when it isn't. Right now, it seems as though you only crave platonic affection- which is they key.
    DO NOT attempt to initiate anything more of a relationship with this boy, do not experiment with touching him inappropriately, do not let on that your feelings may be romantic. It's illegal, and traumatizing, in his case. If you do feel the urges to do this, avoid contact.

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  • kristys_mail

    It's normal to crush on underage people. It's not normal to hope they have a crush on you and act on it. I usually put it out of my mind quickly when I learn there underage. It's been a struggle lately but thankfully he's a celebrity so it's highly unlikely I'm even going to run into him.

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  • Greensburg32813

    I'm 43 years old.. And I think my daughters daughter is so hot just wanna fuck her 9 year old ass

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    • Undertaker

      Go ahead and do it

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  • CreamPuffs

    Not normal at all.

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  • Breakheart_Angel

    For me, being that kind of closen with a kid was not bad. It only turns worst if you're flirting a little boy, which can lead to potential abuse. You can hug the boy w/o flirt, or else you're a pedo...

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  • BluePeteTravel

    It's normal. When i first arrived in China i stayed with this family whose daughter was 11 and very,very, pretty. i was dying to see her pussy and one morning saw her though the curtain which divided the room we shared. used to get massive boners sometimes and always made sure she could see if she wanted - and i knew she would look- but in china shed never say anything. one day during Spring Festival when her parents were visitng relatives, one of her friends stayed and it was brilliant. got to see them really close up and smell, and showed them my stiffy and let them touch. wanted to screw them so much but common sense said "NO WAY". China is a dangerous place with so many beauties.

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  • Kababaza

    I've had similar sensations (except the flirting part), but it derived from a motherly point of view. I wanted to be their mom, I wanted them to want me as their mom, to love me as their mom, to treat me as their mom with the love for a mom... And I grew jealous when someone else had the kid (even jealous of their own parents!). But of course, it never became problematic. I kept it private to my self...

    Are you sure its a crush? Maybe its a motherly/fatherly thing?

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  • Captain_Kegstand

    That depends, are you wanting the kids attention because you are bonding with him, and confusing your feelings? That sounds like what it is too me, I agree with TerryVie.

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  • westoptic

    Meh, not really but I had a crush on a 12 year old I was tutoring last year in a class I had in school and I was 17. He's going to be hot when he grows up.

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  • iEatZombies_

    You're being reckless with the flirting and you should certainly refrain from any unnecessary physical contact. It's not normal to seek the physical approval of a child. He doesn't even understand what a crush is yet.

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  • Thewomanizer

    This is not really normal and kind of gross

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  • NanoEffect

    One in the eye, Make em' cry!

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  • LizardSkin

    Hmm i'm turned on. Maybe you'll go down as one of those female teachers that have sex with their young male students in the car.

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  • NaughtyCat

    If you're a girl and the child is a boy, then it's ok. All 10 year old boys want to hook up with 18 year old girls.

    When I was 17 I hooked up with a 12 year old boy. He was a bit of a loser at school, but afterwards he was so much more popular because he was the first boy in his year to lose his virginity. Everyone thought he was the class stud.
    So go for it, sister. You'll be doing him a favour.

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    • Lockets

      Stupid, obvious fake troll post. I don't know why you bothered to write this shite.

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      • ozwald_somégüy

        Not to be mean but they wrote it because they could and my friend really did bang some 19 yr chick back when he was like 13 so...

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    • CreamPuffs

      Incorrect on so many levels, and morally wrong to the point where I've decided to report this post.

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