Is it normal that i'm a girl and i like call of duty?
I'm a girl and LOVE Call Of Duty! It's my favorite game in the whole world! Especially Black Ops or Modern Warfare 2!!!!!!!! Haha so fun! IIN?
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I'm a girl and LOVE Call Of Duty! It's my favorite game in the whole world! Especially Black Ops or Modern Warfare 2!!!!!!!! Haha so fun! IIN?
Yes it's normal. What's not normal is making a post about it for attention. You play a game. Like millions of other girls. Why ask a stupid question? Girl gamers make up 40% of the gaming population.
Looks like your a new user that knows when people are looking for an answer to the question "IIN" and when they are just fishing for attention. There arent alot of people like that on this site atleast there are a few people that arent as gullable as most of the other users.
That was a pretty lame question. R u really that worried wat ppl think about u likin a video game? Really? Haha. R u some kinda preppy tryin to be cute?
I love it when I see or hear or a girl gamer. Most people think that all males only play video games but I know a lot of girl gamers and they enjoy Call of Duty. Yes, it is normal its just that there is a stereotype but it will soon pass. Maybe because most males (9-15) hear of a girl gamer and harrass the girl which very stupid, its just a gender in the end.
nice to have girls to listen to in the lobby's on occasion, makes it much more social and takes care of the children mouthing off, but sometimes you can be a pest in games
Alot of ppl on here r nice. If this was facebook or myspace.. Ppl would be such bitches
I guess it's normal but me and my friends hate black ops we think call of duty 4 is the best. PS I'm a guy.
Of course its normal.. I love call of duty too..!! Lol I play it all the time
I don't think anyone playing call of duty is normal. It seems disrespectul to real soldiers.
Nothing better then (none fat) chicks liking video games. Now if you like to play "the sims" then it would not be normal because that game is shit.