Is it normal that i'm a perfectionist at video games?
I've been a gamer for most of my life. The vast majority of games I play are first/third person shooters. I tried playing Sniper Ghost Warrior 3 for a bit but I get irritated if I miss a shot. If I die, I won't restart the level, I'll restart the whole damn game. I could play the prologue with my eyes closed at this point. I've had the game glitch and break my immersion too. One glitch forced me to reload a checkpoint and that set me off to restarting the game.
I recently decided to stop playing the game and hope the glitches get patched soon. I even deleted it from my PS4's hard drive to avoid the temptation to retry. I couldn't keep torturing myself.
I'm not much of a completionist. I don't have the time and energy to gather collectibles. That's not my type of perfectionism. Mine is performance and my reaction to dying. I hate dying in games so much. It breaks my immersion and my chain of events and I get angry on the outside and rage on the inside.
This happens in other games too. If I die "too much", I feel like I have to restart and play better.
Is this normal?