Is it normal that i'm addicted to porn

Guys, I have come to the realization that i'm addicted to watching porn. I have been watching porn every night for years now, and every time I do I promise myself that it will be the last time.
Please help me, guys.
It's ruined my relationship with my girlfriend. My parents are to embarrassed to confront me when I visit them for break. So I pretend that I don't know that they know. I don't have the strength to stop. I don't want to do this the for the rest of my life.
Please suggest anything.

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86% Normal
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Comments ( 1 )
  • Hey mate. It is normal. I do that, too. If your girlfriend cannot offer you the right amount of sexuality that you need, to replace porn with actual sex, then it's her fault and you must find another girl. People always worry about watching too much porn and then being rejected because they are not good enough to offer you what you see. Well, I will just take away from them all the food, all the booze, all the tobacco, sports, cars, jewels, computers, music, games, books, everything they love. We will live in a fucking medieval era with nothing, just to live up to general beliefs and expectations. Everybody needs something to enjoy. The fact that you need sex does not make things different. You need to find a nymphomaniac and enjoy your life. My advice for you is to keep up finding a girl like that, even if you're rejected over and over again. Don't change yourself, don't live with people who force you to be how they want (believe me, it took me 3 years of sufferance to understand this). Fight for what you want and you will have it one day, or give up and live with someone that will tell you what to do. You choose. This are the rules in life since the world was made. Keep up watching and wanking, stop only if it becomes painful (there are risks of stroke, I do it 10-30 times a day and I feel them). There are nymphos out there who would love to be with someone that can have a lot of sex (I had one, pay attention, some of them are nuts and I ended up being controlled by her, so I broke up. If it becomes painful, remember that she won't be the only one, I wanted to stay with her just because it was so hard to find one, but there are lots). Keep up what you're doing and be proud of it, don't try to stop yourself, it's normal, you need someone with a high sex drive just like you, so keep searching. Actually , every night means that you are natural and normal, I do it everyday for at least 10 times. Sexual functions are meant to be used, once a day is the right amount, you are perfectly normal. I want the same thing, to be in the position to have as much sex as I want and never have to wank again. Never forget this: “If you end up with a boring miserable life because you listened to your mom, your dad, your teacher, your priest, or some guy on television telling you how to do your shit, then you deserve it.” ― Frank Zappa. Want to chat more, let me know.

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